Good cartridge for Audioquest PT6 arm ???

Hello, I am going to be setting up a Audioquest PT6 arm, and wondered what would be a good cartridge match for this arm. Mostly rock, jazz. I would be using the MM phono section of my Mac C712 preamp. Would like to keep it $300.00 and under for now. So far I have come up with the Denon 160 and 110, and the Sumiko Blue Point no 2. I have also seen some Benz MM cartidges with rebates they are giving. I'm still under the impression I want a H.O. MC cartridge, but wondered about, the Moving magnets in this range also. Any guidnace here appreciated with matching that arm.


Wayne, If you have your McIntosh Manual, check it out, and see what it says. I've never known any Mac gear that had an internal Phono Stage suitable for MC cartridges. Even at 2.5Mv output (like the new Gliders are), a Moving Coil just isn't going to have enough output. You would most likely be cranking the volume control to 75% to get "maybe" medium volume.

With this kind of arrangement, just one mistake switching inputs on the pre over to CD, FM, or Tape, and you'd likely damage something like a speaker due to excessive volume difference.

I'm not personally familiar with your particular unit, but many Mac Pre-Amps have provision for Aux (or a Phono/Aux), and this is where you'll need to insert a Phono Pre-Amp if you desire to use an MC with your set-up.

That is why I say, your options for low cost good performance will be with a high quality MM Cartridge, versus running the gamut with a outboard Phono Stage, and two additional reasonably high quality interconnects.

For years I used a Shure V-15 type III myself, with a Pioneer Pl-51 manual Turntable, running through my Mac gear. Always had a very good detailed sound. I'm sure with the AQ Arm, and VPI Turntable, much more can be extracted from this particular Shure cartridge, and should sound much better than one did on my Pioneer table.

Your options are numerous, and I reckon a decision you'll need to sleep on a bit. Bottom line is, how much can you invest into your analog set-up?

There are other options as a step up device, as I can remember my buddy using one some years back to boost the output of an old Ortofon OM-10 going into a vintage Sansui Seven Reciever. Mark
At the $300 point there's always the Grado Platinum (woody). However there's ths issue of hum with some turntables. What TT are you using the arm on?

I had a Benz Micro Glider (1.25mv original) mounted on PT-6 arm on a vpi hw-19jr. This combo was wonderful for jazz and rock, not as wonderful for classical although it was still good, especially with smaller ensembles. Percussion from this cartridge blew my mind.

Phono preamps used were a Lehmann Black Cube and a Jolida JD-9 (both cost around $499 new, but I only borrowed the latter tubed preamp).

Strengths of this cartridge were a slight warmth, excellent imaging, excellent tracking - even of worn records, good bass, and good top end.

Weaknesses were a small mid-bass hump which most jazz and rock lovers wouldn't notice or mind much at all, and not the most accurate timbres of classical instruments such as violins, but again this wasn't even to a moderate degree.

I've since sold my vpi/pt-6, having just purchased a scoutmaster which will be set up today with a Lyra Helikon, but I did get a chance to mount the Glider from the old TT on the scoutmaster and listen to it for a few days while awaiting the used Helikon.

Glider sounded great on the Scoutmaster/JMW-9 (arm) as well, so even if you upgrade your TT in the future, you can expect the Glider to keep pace with the higher end stuff for a while.
Hope this helps (btw- I just sold my Glider yesterday on Audiogon)

I just got the Denon 103r and would like to set it up on my PT6 arm. I am not familiar with this arm's setup and can use some help in this area. Arm height adjustment, counter weight etc. Sort of a how to if you will. The lit that came with the Denon is in Japanese and the manual that came with the arm is of know help what so ever. Thanks.