Grace 707 antiskate, Stax arm w/HS-7 shell, etc.

Has anyone found or come up with a substitute for the anti-skate weight for the Grace 707? I understand mono filament-type line can be substituted to suspend the weight. Also, anyone care to venture if these arms stand up to today's arms in similar price ranges? I haven't tried out the Stax, but they would be used with a low hours Grado Signature 8MZ on a AR XA with Merrill mods.
This one should work fine:

I actually had a machinist who goes by the handle Indagroove on Audio Asylum make one for my Thorens and he did a great job. Feel free to contact him, his name is Colby.

There aren't many current arms in the price range, but I just sold my third 707 and it is not up to say a Rega RB250 or Jelco. That doesn't make it a bad arm or make it sound any different than it ever did. And it will sound better with the Grado than either of the arms I have mentioned; a synergystic match. The Stax arm should be a lot better, but again, probably not with the Grado. The 707 is going to be hard to beat with the 8MZ.