Great Acoustic Guitar Recordings

I've got a Michael Hedges ("Aerial Boundaries") and diMeola/deLucia/McLaughlin CD ("Friday Night In San Francisco"), and I'm looking to expand my collection. I truly enjoy the latter CD. Hedges is a little theedy-weedy for me though Any other suggestions you guys can turn me on to? Hedges is a little boring for my taste. Something that kicks over something entirely sedate is what I'm after. Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for acoustic speed metal. ;) And try to hold off on the suggestions if there's singing involved. Other than that, hook me up with some new music to buy!
Try Bola Sete 'Tour de Force' on the Analogue Productions label and 'From all Sides Now,' his duet recording with Vince Guaraldi (on Fantasy). If you like acoustic guitar virtuosity with a Latin flavor, check them out. Also the Mclaughlin/diMeola/diLucia title 'Passion, Grace and Fire' is a good one. Get 'em on vinyl!
"The Guitarist John Williams". The BEST guitar CD i heard to date! Performs work by: Mikis Theodorakis, Carlo Domeniconi, Satie...etc. Also "Krusevo" Vlatko stefanovski, D. Tadic from M.A.recordings(stereophile R2df)
try "sounds of wood & steel" I and II. both are collections,lots of varied sounds, VERY well recorded. they're a showcase put together by windam hill and taylor guitars.
Try Phil Keaggy's "The Wind in the Wheat" and "Beyond Nature". I don't remember if it is all strictly acoustic, but both are all instrumental.
Pepino Dagostino. He has an album of acoustic guitar playing that is great playing, but not always exciting. Worth the price of the cd is his version of the classic "Walk Away Renee", one of the few cuts with vocals. It will blow you away, it is beautiful.
John Mclaughlin-'Natural Elements','Handfull of Beauty';Mclaughlin/DiMeola/DeLucia-'Passion,Grace&Fire','GuitarTrio';Paco DeLucia-'Siroco';Al DiMeola-'Cielo e Terra','Heart of the immigrants'.
Try any of the Narada Guitar works CD's! They're all fantastic. Also Billy McLaughlin on the Narada Label (Finger Dance and Out of Hand). All Instrumental and no singing.
Paco De Lucia's "Siroco", Christopher Parkening's "Simple Gifts". Second the vote for Phil Keaggy's "Wind and the Wheat", although it isn't a primarily acoustic release per se.
Try Dan Crary. This guy is great and can be found at most of the larger "record" stores under "accoustic/new age" section(s). He plays 6 and 12 string guitar accompanied by percussion and violin on some songs. Great, upbeat music and a great recording! IMHO his best album/CD is "Thunderation". On the Sugar Hill (I think a div of Windham Hill) label - released in 1991. You WON'T be disappointed!!! Tony
I'm sure any disc from Acoustic Alchemy would be a welcome addition to your collection. There early stuff is more mellow.Try "ARCANUM"(kind of a greatest hits disc) or "AGAINST THE GRAIN". No singing. High quality recording.
Try 'UCROSS' by Dean Peer on CLASSIC RECORDS. Music direct still carries this out of print CDS. GORGEOUS Elecric BASS (not acoustic) GUITAR MUSIC PLAYED BEAUTIFULLY.
They may need be audiophile recordings, but if you want to hear incredible jazz guitar, pick up some Django Reinhardt recordings. His work with Stephane Grappelli in particular is noteworthy. I also second Redkiwi's recommendation of Joe Pass. He was remarkable. I have a lot of both of their works. Can't get too much.
Any Acoustic Alchemy!!!! Jesse Cook,Oscar Lopez, Neil Schon, Billy Walker Jr, Govi, Al Di Mieola, Oscar Neves, John Mclaughlin, Lee Ritenour,Preston Reed,Nando Lando,and lots more that there isn't room for. All are excellent recordings.
Just picked up another Narada this weekend! This time it was Don Ross and it's absolutely fantastic and a great sounding recording as well! Very upbeat and quite technical. A must have for any Guitar Lover!