Grills OFF or Grills ON ???

Whenever I'm in the mood for a 'serious listening session', I'll pull the grills off my Tannoy D-700 speakers.... It just seems to unveil them.

Of course, it's a hassle...and I've got to remember to put them back on before going to bed, even though it's often already the wee hours of the morning (two cats roam my house).

Anybody else doing the same?

Also, how about the subwoofers? Same thing?

Showing 2 responses by jbatlanta

Well, the worst has happened! After almost 3 months of leaving the grills off my Tannoy D-700's, I actually watched as one of the cats stared inquiringly at the upper driver for about 30 seconds. How cute, I thought, as it looked a lot like the famous picture of the RCA dog staring into that record player and attacked the moving driver!

The surround is torn, and I will have to pay $220 to have the speaker reconed to bring it back to perfection.

Beware! It ain't worth it!! Put those grills on if you have cats!!!
In a way, it's kinda my fault....believe it or not, the addition of a Nordost Valhalla interconnect cable between the cd player and pre=amp has brought my system 'to life' as my girlfriend says.

Well, the cats think so too and as they pretty much ignored things before, are now suddenly very affected by the music. It's really kinda weird and freaky.

I am training them to keep away from the speakers, and am making progress.

Speaker is to be reconed this week, and you know, it doesn't sound really any different with a piece of scotch tape on it!