Grounding question?

Hi to all...

I hope I can get help with my problem... I bought a co-op here in NY which is in a old building. My video is horrible and I don't know what to do. There is an interference on both my televisions that is just driving me crazy...

The interference looks like lines running across the tv,at times it looks like the whites are bleeding....

I've bought pc audio outlets getting rid of the 15 cent outlets that came with the apartment. Still nothing, I've even went as far as bought a Richard Gray substation for the bedroom and a pole pig for the living room and still nothing.

I've upgraded all of the powercords and still nothing...

I've spoke with an electrician and he said that maybe the grounding wire being used is cheap or the wrong kind of wire.. What? Can that be the problem?

He also mentioned that it may be interference from another outlet that isn't connected properly such as a light switch...

Can anyone help? Thanks for any information..

Showing 3 responses by soundsvision

Hi, thanks for the responses, I check with the owner of the first floor apartment who is on the same line as myself, and he does not have this problem, all of the other apartments on my line are empty besides myself and the first floor.

There are no dimmers in the house but there are some light switches that are lighted. Meaning the switch itself lights on when the light itself is off.

Do you think it can be that? There are also ceiling fans in all the rooms? I spoke with the president of the building and she said the previous owner used cheap unlicensed eletricians to do the work.

Now I spoke with a licensed electrician and the price he gave me to check and find the problem is really high, 4k high....

So now I don't know what to do.
Hi, I don't have cable but do have Internet via the cable company. I have HD antennas connected to both TV's. The interference happens all the time, even when I am playing a DVD or am using my apple TV's.

Tomorrow I will change the ground wire connected to the outlets to see if that may help, I will also change out the light switches that have the orange night light on them.

My concern is that it's happening in both the bedroom and living room, I am also going to check to see if it is happening in any other room, I am going to connect a tv in one of the kids room to see if it is happening there as well.

Couldn't be the breaker box? Both the living room and bedroom are on different breakers.

I just can't figure it out, so hopefully this will help..
Okay, so far after testing everything, it turns out it was a light switch in the bedroom, it wasn't grounded and was connected with cheap wiring, so the switch has been changed and it made a major improvement, however, there is still slight interference and that I can not pin point. The electrician who I used said that it may be that I live too close to the train station, meaning that the trains current may be affecting everyone's lines. I am not sure if that makes sense at all...

Any other suggestions?