Grounding question?

Hi to all...

I hope I can get help with my problem... I bought a co-op here in NY which is in a old building. My video is horrible and I don't know what to do. There is an interference on both my televisions that is just driving me crazy...

The interference looks like lines running across the tv,at times it looks like the whites are bleeding....

I've bought pc audio outlets getting rid of the 15 cent outlets that came with the apartment. Still nothing, I've even went as far as bought a Richard Gray substation for the bedroom and a pole pig for the living room and still nothing.

I've upgraded all of the powercords and still nothing...

I've spoke with an electrician and he said that maybe the grounding wire being used is cheap or the wrong kind of wire.. What? Can that be the problem?

He also mentioned that it may be interference from another outlet that isn't connected properly such as a light switch...

Can anyone help? Thanks for any information..

Showing 1 response by swampwalker

try disconnecting your cable internet. If solves the problem, use a ground isolation xfrmr, available from Rat Shack (cheap) or Jwnawn (more expensive) but still not too bad).