Harbeth 30.1 ? The Ultimate Speaker under $5K ?

I have been on a mission lately to find the best speakers within my budget - under $5K ...I am definitely an audio freak and my sound engineer in LA told me we went to a HiFi convention of sorts in Newport and heard every high end boutique speaker there is and hands down the Harbeth 30.1 was the best...thought it was a live band as he turned the corner into room ! 

Local hiFi high end shops always push whatever they deal....guy near me recommends Paradigm Prestige 95s but the seem more for home theatre use...here's my profile: 

I listen MOSTLY to LPs (stream on occasion with Audioengine B1)
Marantz PM-11S1 Mono Block Amp
Sony STR-V7 Amp
Technics SL-15 
1 SVS SB1000 Sub (if necessary) 
My listening room : is approximately 15 feet from Hifi to sitting position, wood floors , pitched ceiling about 10-15 feet in spots ...entire room approx 30 feet across . I consider it a VERY live, reflective space. 

I am a drummer so I love fat , tight kick drum. Rock i.e.: Rush , Prince, old 70s / 80s fusion/Jazz  
I listen to all different volume levels, sometimes low, sometimes I turn up music very loud and crappy speakers always seem to lose definition at high volume . 

I currently have some NHTs 2.3 & Infinity IL60s for surround....

Is the Harbeth 30.1 too small of a speaker for my spot?  what do you guys recommend! Thank You !

Showing 28 responses by tommypenngotti

I definitely need to demo the Klipsch Cornwall lll's , That speaker seems like my style and the brand has been on my radar since the 80s ....anyone like to chime in on Klipsch Cornwalls ? 
I’ve Heard Harbeth sound the most like real with instruments and Klipsch will excite but aren’t as true . Harbeth rep was pushing the Super Sh5+ for my room ...price is steep ..

I’m worried about spending big $ and not being satisfied . As Dodgealum pointed out my room is not treated and large / reflective . I need something that is clear and true , yet can fill a big living room . I definitely would be disappointed with an “excuse me” speaker 😂
I could mount the speakers left/right of couch I suppose...run cables on ceiling or run underneath house, kind of a hassle :) 
I always gravitate towards : big room >  larger speakers and more of them , so: 

Klipsch Cornwall III
Devore 0/93 
Dunlavy SC-V (although these might end my relationship, gf killers)

any other big , authoritative speakers? 
Where can I demo the Tekton's in Northern CA ? Same with Klipsch Cornwall III , no one has them ...? Have to order and pay a huge return shipping if not satisfied :( 
thanks for all your help everyone 
Wolf _garcia , we are cut from the same mold my man  ...kick drum therapy :) Im the same.. who was your band ? I play with Brad Gillis (Ozzy/Night Ranger, Patty Smyth and Hardline (Neal Schon’s old band)

I’ll scope the Hersey’s ..here’s my thing though , why not just get the Cornwall III’s ? Bigger , more speaker ! More kick! ...hard to find a pair in northern CA to demo :(

Nonoise - my sound engineer is THE most opinionated , jaded guy on the planet, he hates JBL .... :) I have a pair of old LX55’s in my studio right now , they actually sound pretty good for less expensive speakers...a little hyped in the high end ...those 4319’s look pretty cool , thanks!
Wolf - awesome ...Cauldren...nice.....I remember there was a club in Honolulu called "The Wave" right??

Its so interesting how some people just dog Klipsch and others love them?! ....to each his own right? I have always been successful using my ears instead of reading manuals and specs ....its just difficult to find all these great speakers anywhere to audition ...so I appreciate all of you people chiming in. 

Very cool video about the Harbeth guy Alan on youtube....he’s thorough , love the work ethic ...no stones unturned...
I have a recording studio that is completely treated.  I don't know other than curtains , I don't really want to hang bass traps / acoustic panels in my living room ....have to investigate aesthetically pleasing panels . 
I have an appointment tomorrow to demo : 
Harbeth 30.1 
Harbeth SHL5+ 

I'll give my review after ! 
That’s the plan , yes never intended to buy new. I usually let someone else drive the Ferrari off the lot and I find new / used.

Yes on the loud , that’s my #1 question and my current issue w all of my previous speakers , they fall apart at loud levels . I’m going to see what else he has too ....thanks for tips on treatment , god I hate carpet ...my guy told me “don’t go crazy , start with a few panels in key places “ we are going to access room . 
Thanks gosta
I’d love to audition some Klipsch ...looked at all their Northern CA. distributors and no one carries the high end stuff...must be someone that has them....any impressions of Cornwalls ? One guy recommended Herseys w/ subs but they seem small for my room...
ok so demo’d the Harbeth’s and here are my thoughts 

Room was medium sized and treated well.

30.1 / C7s : Way too small for my space. Out of the running immediately .

SHL5+ - very nice , true , imaging was deep and my first reaction was this is a clean , non hyped even field of sound. I played about 15 tracks , varied styles ranging from hard rock /soft rock/ jazz .
Some sounded better than others ...initial impressions seem to lean that these Harbeth’s compliment softer music ...the heavier stuff sounded good but not quite as impactful as the spacious softer tracks....
The Highs : Were there and even . People wanting to hear that super crisp , shimmery high end will need EQ.
Mids - very even and accurate.
The Bottom was surprisingly good for a flat EQ/ no subs...for me in my space , not enough ...I’d need to supplement a sub.
The depth was quite extraordinary ...the spectrum was broad and sounded like nothing had artifacts. The cabinets are beautiful .
In conclusion , Me personally at this stage , I don’t think $7K is worth what I heard...however, if I happen to run across a new/used pair for quite a bit less... I might bite...good work Alan/ Harbeth , great speakers.

HELOMECH ...here's the deal with that , its a trap to a degree , once you get the 30.1's , Harbeth comes out with the BETTER bigger, ones 40.1 , then 40.2's ....I want to buy something and be done with it , not worry that the upgraded model is so much better....but you're right 40.1 better for my room for sure...40.2! $15K! done :) BTW , most of the people I've talked to on Audiomart selling their 30.1's are upgrading to 40.1 or 40.2 ! 

I called Klipsch and they referred me to a place in Sacramento that may have their Heritage lines on floor....if not I'll definitely get to LA eventually to scope out...thanks! 
Holy Stormtroopers! Verastarr ...I never know what to think when I see these companies Ive never heard of , but every killer company started somewhere I suppose...
I just got recommended these curious open ended speakers...anyone? Guy said they blow all Klipsch out of the water ...


can't we all just get along !! ;) I've started a Harbeth vs the world riot ...

I'm leaning towards the Tekton DI's ...difficult to just buy something and hope it suits me , I'm very picky about speakers/sound. 
yikes $6500 is getting a bit high for me....what are the differences? thanks!
So I decided to pull the trigger ....I stumbled across a great deal on some Tekton DI SE's ....I've officially dug my way into an audio asylum ...I love it ..I will post my feedback when they arrive , still have to arrange shipping. 

Thank you to all the members who provided valuable advice ! 
I know , agreed ....I auditioned the Harbeth and felt it wasn't nearly enough for the price tag & size of my room...

.."We're gonna need a bigger boat! " 

Ryder - 
I felt the same when I auditioned the SHL5! Definitely need to add subs, good clarity , better for mellow stuff (which I listen to) but overall just not enough for the money...
Ok , so the Tekton DI SE's showed up flawless ....not a scratch to be found. The cabinets are beautiful (although quite large) they suit me perfectly (big speaker , big sound) Hooked them up to my Marantz PM-11S1 and then my Sony STR-V7 . They are amazing . The first thing I noticed was the sound field and clarity was just unreal . The lows were very powerful and I really don’t think I need a sub. It honestly at times felt like Van Halen was in my living room . I’m still experimenting with EQ/ Sound treatment etc....so far pretty darn happy , thanks for all your guys help!