Harbeth M30

Hi, All.

I recently bought Harbeth M30. They are driven by NAIM NAP 180, NAC112, and MERIDIAN 506 (10 year old). My former speakers are Harbeth P3, which I loved so much. Very detailed presentation with amazing mid range.

Honestly, I am expecting same things from M30 with bigger sound stage and more base. So far, I have been disappointed with M30. I do not have any idea about this. Aging? Power and Pre amplifier are not enough to drive the M30?

I am seriouly considering upgrading the source to NAIM CDP.

Any suggestion welcome.
I suggest that you post your question on the Harbeth Users Group - an excellent forum of harbeth users which is run by Alan Shaw, the speaker designer. If you go onto the Harbeth site, there's a link for the usergroup.
I would suggest you move away from the Naim equipment. I drove my Compact 7's with a 62/HiCap/140 for a number of years and then switched to ARC tube pre and solid state amp combo. Biggest improvement I have ever made to my system. The Naim does not have the power, dynamics and drive to bring out the best in the Harbeths. I believe the Monitor 30's are an even more difficult load than the C7 so your jump will be greater still. Sorry to the Naim crowd--I was one of you once. Hope this helps.
even upgrading your amp, i think you will find the sonic signiture of the m30's is still going to be quite different than that you are used to. its similar to moving from a rogers ls3/5 to a rogers studio 7. they are simply different. the synergy between the naim and the p3 is a bit on the magical side. completely satisfying. i've owned several different types of bbc derived designs over the last 20 years, and found them to all be remarkable to a degree.some combinations you will find just can't be topped for long term listening.
just purchased pair of harbeth m30's. using kimber 8tc & 4tc. thinking of upgrading cable (cables) should i go with one (which one) or continue to bi-wire? any thoughts?