Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?

I notice some makers are not stocking biwire termination. Has biwire gone out of favor ? Was it sonically meaningless ?
Have speaker makers dropped it ? Do us owners of biwire built speakers need to resort to jumpers or aftermarket biwire cables now ?

Showing 3 responses by tls49

So, is this lack biwire availability a cost cutter or a result of evidence that biwire (and bi-terminal speakers) is ineffective, that it was/is a cosmetic trend only ?
No real answer, but a lot of opinions. IMHO, the best answer and I quote well respected poster, Almarg,

"It may or may not make a difference. If it makes a difference, it may or may not be for the better."

Some manufacturers specifically design their speakers to be biwired, and others have just added the connections as a means of "audio fashion".

IME, I achieved better results with single wire and jumpers as opposed to biwire, and as I was trying the options, I found this article that seem to describe the difference I was hearing.


Bottom line is you try different configurations, and go with what you like.

Yes, posting at the same time, and you are welcome. Always enjoy reading your responses. Al, I am curious as to your opinion of the link in my post.