Have you had enough of Classic Rock?

Anyone out there feel like I do?

Showing 7 responses by ishkabibil


Yes I have to be careful....I cannot say...Stair way embodies Classic Rock...I am just tired of the Classic Rock playlists that are all to common be it Radio or streaming....
Happy Holidays!
Dont let me take the enjoyement away!...lol
Keep listening and enjoying.
@michaelgreenaudioI have to disagree...

If you look at Classic Rock in its composition....lyric...Improvisation of any solo which is mostly guitar or keys its set meaning it has little improvisation. Now this is still brilliant in its own right but it has a particular boundry it cannot cross before it loses its form..that said If you look at Jazz...one can listen to say Someday My Prince will Come and after the initial verse is played it becomes more than just one song as each artist as with Jazz gives his or hers own interpretation.

I think its safe to say Rocks sheer bravado in its rhythm and lyrics can lose its lustre for some as we age.

@mg. i am on the same page...I just have reached a point where it does not resinate....Like u I am an a to z listener..
@clearthink.   I find listening to Qui very Chaotic.

However if that's what makes one soar, who am I to judge?

I am I must admit a little puzzled why an individual would have a higher end system to listen to it's genre of music?  It is to me a sonic assault that requires little resolution to deliver it's content.

We must not forget Classic Rock is just that.
A mass of material of a certain age that has been widely accepted and to which it has set certain standards in the music industry.

It is a very succesful genre acheiving exactly what the artist intended when they wrote the songs....make no bones about it these artists wanted mass acceptance of the material.

@clearthink.        Further........I really believe that bands that deliver the qui sound with all its musical calisthenics and  melodies, could not write a ssuccesful pop or Classic Rock song if they tried.  It is much easier to thrash or avante garde a piece than it is  a 3 chord marvel.
@ChrisosheaThe Post is getting lots of interest......it has lead me to rethink what I meant  Classic Rock......and it is the Classic FM playlists and not the Deep Cuts.