Have you had enough of Classic Rock?

Anyone out there feel like I do?

Showing 4 responses by lhasaguy

I listen to “Classic Rock” from my collection and avoid the common radio playlist songs.  Just heard In a Gadda Da Vida, all 18 minutes with the terrific drum silo, hammond organ, etc. on the way home today in my car.

It is the music of my yourh and there is
much to mine in listening to different artists.
Classic Rock to me is NOT a playlist on a radio station.  It is a time in music from about 1966 to 1974 +/- a year or two where enormous amounts of really great music was made.

It is not about hearing Stairway to Heaven every couple of hours, but rather mining amazing amounts of incredible music from a period of intense creativity.

I was fortunate to live through it and experience much of it live, yet also discover many interesting artists via my friends.  Back in the day, we all seemed to have a different favorite and sharing music among a large group of friends exposed me to the depth of many artists.

Many substances were consumed and we all opened our minds to appreciate the favorites of others.  It was a magical time, to say the least.

I often reflect how lucky we were.

You may be tired of the dull radio playlists, but do not confuse that with the richness of the music made.
One of the problems is that “Classic Rock” to some is a boing redundant playlist from FM radio staiona all subscribing to the same source playing on a loop.

For those who did not live back then and were not exposed to the breadth and depth of the talent that emerged, I would offer a number of albums to listen to end to end and experience albums where all of the tracks were good and many bordered on great.

Traffic - Low Spark of High Heeled Boys
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Big Brother and the Holding Company - Cheap Thrills

There are SO many more, but those are proffered to open some doors and eyes to how good it was to be into music back then, not to mention with decent equipment for the times


Try listening to “Stepping Out”, Live Cream Vol II.  So many layers of sound, why many are enthralled with Clapton and Bruce.