heavy metal

Just wanted to mention that "The Sword" is a great metal band from austin. I love all their output
"The Sword" opened up for Metallica when they were on tour here on the east coast not too long ago. "The Sword" did great and got the crowd really pumped.
>>01-24-11: Maineiac
I bought a sword LP brand new and will gladly give it away<<

Bet you get no takers.

You'll have to add a Michael Bolton album to make it interesting.
I'll do it for " The Sword" , that Ass clown Bolton, and a
Britney Spears. The Spears has to be the triple gatefold,
w/ the staple holes in her stomach. Let me know !
I used to listen to metal back in the 80's. I can't do it anymore. I prefer to listen to jazz than metal. I've seen Merciful Fate (got King Diamonds autograph), Motorhead, saw and met Slayer, Anvil, Nasty savage, saw Iron Maiden and Judas Priest several times. Anthrax, saw Metallica when David Mustane was the lead guitarist and they were all about 18 years old. I've seen Metallica probably 10 times. I saw ACDC with Bonn Scott and saw Iron Maiden when Paul Dianno was the lead singer and he was THE BEST. I could go on and on.I saw Black Sabbath's last tour with original band members in Montreal sometime in the mid 90's. Ronnie James Dio..forget about it. He was AMAZING live. Scorpions...saw them twice. I just moved on. I can't listen to the same stuff forever. My metal now is the latest Miles Davis bootleg. I still own the LP's but tossed the Technics turntable.
Single, I started with "Gods of the earth" record. Take a listen to the intro or the How heavy this axe track. Their newest release "Warp Riders" will have you moving start to finish
All will fall when to The Sword.

If you're digging The Sword, you need to check out...

Kyuss...Blues for the Red Sun
Monster Magnet...Dopes to Infinity
High on Fire...Snakes for the Divine
Dead Meadow...Three Kings
Graveyard...Hisingen Blues
Electric Wizard...Come My Fanatics
Nebula...Atomic Ritual
The Atomic Bitchwax...The Atomic Bitchwax I
Fu Manchu...In Search Of
Brant Bjork...Jalamanta
Stinking Lizaveta...Scream of the Iron Iconoclast

I could go on & on. Many of the aforementioned have many other great albums.
Nothing here is audiophile quality recording or music that will make your nose turn skyward.
If you're digging The Sword though, this will keep your foot tapping.
Manowar.......are they still alive? I used to listen to them. They might be the first metal band ever.
"High on fire" now thats good stuff Fujindemon, I actually caught them live at a session they recorded to vinyl recently in nyc. I will eventually cave in and get both volumes they made out of the performances. Facemelting and in prime playing form

Thanks for the list have to check some of those guys out.
Man I forgot about this older thread. Thanks Velocityofhue for reviving it. I'm finding additional metal to check out.

On the train I heard a guy playing some metal because of his cruddy earbuds. After telling him to check out a pair of Sony MDR V6 headphones for listening on the train he let me know the metal he was listening too.

Breakdown of Sanity - Blind


Breakdown of Sanity - When Silence Breaks


They are pretty intense. Vocals took some getting used to for me though.
Thank you for reviving this thread! I missed it when it was originally posted. I think The Sword is awesome. I don't dig the fantasy themes in general, and especially in heavy metal, but the music speaks for itself and it just connects. I was very happy to find that "Apocryphon" was available on vinyl. The album is on its way to me as we speak. "Warp Riders" is next.
Really digging the Black Sabbath '13' disc.

Same here! I think it's a pretty solid effort. I have the LP and it sounds good.
Hey Fujindemon... do you post on theobelisk or the old (now defunct) stonerrock.com? You listed most of the big bands from the genre.

As for The Sword... they were a decent live band, but I thought their singer was the weak link. He was actually so bad, I was surprised they got as popular as they did. I remember when they were breaking onto the scene, and I saw them at Lit in NYC- capacity was maybe 40 or 50 and it was jam-packed. I would called them a stonerrock band, not "heavy metal".
There is/was a metal band called "Sword", and I think they were from VA. They were more metal, and less stoner.

I'm thrilled to see some of these bands mentioned on a'gon, though.