Hegel H590 List $13,500. Reasonable?

So I just saw the Darko Audio review for the Hegel H590 and thought I'd take a look into the price. I'm well aware that their gear is made in China, which isn't the topic of this thread really but it's somewhat related... anyway

Considering that the amp is made in China, is this price reasonable or fair? It puts it into the 5 figure price range which can get you an Accuphase or Luxman top of the line integrated. Or even Pass Labs.

I was honestly very surprised at this price, I thought it would be about half of the price it's going for.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
And only a bigger fool would believe China is not capable of building an amp as good as anyone .
invictus005"I have no problem bashing China."

This is a common, ordinary, typical, remark from a "proud American" who believes USofA  is the greatest nation on earth as it enslaves it's own people and allows them to be murdered, slaughtered and annihilated on your streets and as your president is the subject of laughter, ridicule, and derision around the world so of course you have "no problem" you are great, invincible and superior to all others.
Interesting thread. It is unfortunate to see that it has turned both political and ignorant at the same time. Good luck with your purchase.
Way over-priced for a product made in china...
Has it ever cross your mind price would be 2x or 3x more if NOT made in China?

Happy Listening and Keep Me Posted!
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