HELP... 2 yr. old pushed in the dust cover

I tried the vacuum-cleaner suction trick, in 2 or 3 differant iterations, but the suction is inadequate to pull out the center convex dustcover part of the 6" Dynaudio driver. I tried taking the driver out, but the affected part of the driver is not acessable from the back. Thinking of trying duct tape, then carefully removing any adhesive residue with appropriate solvent. I'm hoping someone has an easy fix for this!

Showing 1 response by albertporter

I agree with letting your kids play around the system. I exercised a great deal of patience with my son when he was a toddler and curious about all my toys.

By the time he was tall enough to reach the Basis turntable he had been taught that care was required in cuing the Graham tonearm and Benz cartridge onto the LP.

I felt the blood rush from my face on more than one occasion as he laughed with delight at his ability to make music come from my big Soundlabs. Making a game out of learning and being taught so early, he has yet to damage anything. A much better record than the cat.

Now that John is 16, he not only collects music he plays as well. He has two guitars and records and edits on the computer.

Music is to share, don't forget to share with those who you love most.