Help with an Amp in the 1500 ballpark used

Here are the contestants: Classe CA201, Bryston 4BST, Aragon 8008BB-(New Version to come out 2002), Blue Circle BC22, McCormack DNA-225, Musical Fidelity A3CR. Any other suggestion?

I need a strong amp to run Platinum Solos!

To be honest, I like the Levinson 331 sound best but do not want to spend that much, even used! Any help directing me to an amp that would be the closest to the levinson's transparency, tight bass, and superb imaging is appreciated. Thanks! (Oh yeah, I plan on running a tube preamp to soften up the mids while maintaining the other virtues so a dry amp is doable)

Showing 1 response by bob_bundus

One very nice budget combo that I really liked was a Golden Tube SEP-2 pre driving a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe amp via Synergistic Resolution Reference MKII interconnects. The stage was just huge! You can probably get both of these pieces for very close to your $1500 budget. Run them with some upgrade AC cords, which made this nice combo even better.