Help with new system

I'm starting a new 2ch system that I will be running out of an iMac. I was wondering if I could gather some opinions on what to use (can't audition everything, want to narrow it down to a few finalists first). Obviously I'd like every part of the freq. range to sound good, but I am looking for a sound with smooth treble (but not veiled) that is not over super detailed/sharp, punchy bass, and in general a cleaner sound instead of something warmer and more colored.

Speakers: I have decided on Ascend Sierra-1's

Integrated Amp Shortlist:
Creek Evolution 2
Bada DC-222
Audiolab 8200a
Cambridge Audio Azur 651a
Musical Fidelity M3i

DAC Shortlist:
Schiit Bifrost
Cambridge Audio DACMagic+
Audiolab M-DAC
Musical Fidelity V-DAC

Out of the amps, I have seen that both M3i and 8200a require careful system matching or they could sound overly forward/sharp. Out of the listed components, what would they best be matched with. I like the tube customization of the Bada, but am not sure if the tubes would fit my sound tastes.

For the DAC's, the M-DAC is the most expensive, but also seems to be the most well liked. I have read that it also can have a more forward sound.

Any opinions on the listed items would be great. Any additional recommendations would also be welcome.
I don't know if you're still looking for a decent DAC but you really should take a look at the Schiit Bifrost. I've had mine for only 2 days now and I'm really impressed. For the money, and with a 15 day trial/return policy (with 5% restocking fee) it's a no brainer.
Check out the reviews as well like this one:
I own an Audiolab integrated amp that is used in a HT set up.It does have a rough treble, not good for music.I believe that is their "house sound" from reading reviews of other Audiolab products.It does have excellent punchy bass and I don't notice the grain in my lo rez HT.I don't think you would enjoy it in a higher end music system.Best of luck in your search.
Wow that's a great line up of alternative set-ups, true the Audiolab kit can sound a little bright, but the Audiolab 8200a integrated amp is a powerful and well equipped amp for the money, so that would be my choice - partner with speaker cables that won't exaggerate the treble register and you should be in audio heaven.
Theres a creek evolution on my local c-list for $575. He says its brand new and it looks like it to me. Original box, manual, packing shtuff; looks mint. Not sure if this is a good price or if there is an evolution 1 and 2 and if so, not sure which this is.

Just throwing that out there. If you want the guys contact info pm me.