Hi quality A/B switch?

Newbie here. I have 2 systems but only one set of speakers.
I would like to know if there is a high quality A/B switch that will allow me to switch between the 2 systems without a great loss of sound quality. I've tried the Radio Shack unit and found it to be lacking. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your reply. This looks to be a good solution. I appreciate your answer. I'm a vintage audio guy (well, it's not vintage to me) so I am very concerned about keeping things in order. One system is all Phase Linear which I took out a personal loan to pay for back in the day. The other is comprised of early 1970's McIntosh components, the ones I wanted when I was in my early 20's but couldn't afford even with a loan. I just can't see hooking either system up to inferior speakers & I only have one good set, hence the question. I just can't justify 10's of thousands on today's speakers.
A long time ago I was looking to do the same thing, other than commercial audio switch boxes I couldnt find any.So, what I came up with was a 2 brass Double Pole knife switches, one for the left channel and one for the right, brass is a good conductor. I treated them with contact enhancer. Now there are a few things you must be carefull of, always have your amps shut down before you switch. If you have a tube amp never have it on without a load or connection to the speakers, also I made a protective plastic cover for the Knife switches so nothing would fall on them and short them out. Here is a link and part # for the switches .hhttp://scientificsonline.com/Product.asp?pn=3038806&sid=yahoo&cm_mmc=yahoo-_-cpc-_-edmu-_-knifeswitches&OVRAW=knife%20switch%20with%20gold%20contact&OVKEY=knife%20switch&OVMTC=advanced&bhcd2=1133107579
Item# 3038808 Knife Switch, Double Pole
