High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
Thank you for your kind suggestion. I would agree with the comment about the Bass Towers are in the wrong position, IF THEY WERE BASS TOWERS. These are Dali Megaline speakers which DO NOT have separate Bass Towers.
StereoLady, nice response. I know this is a difficult time to enter the audio business, but I really wish you the best success. It is hard for me to explain my passion for music when all my wife sees are cables and large speakers and a blatant disregard for aesthetics. I will heartily recommend your site to my friends who are inclined towards music in their home but are (rightfully) intimidated by the whole scene. Elizabeth, your contributions are always welcome. I look forward to your posts. I hope that you continue to contribute and that more women will be brave enough to venture into this territory. Many times it is very stuffy here and reeks of testosterone.
To the gentleman who stated his wife is not interested in HiFi, I believe many women have a different listening style to men. Women tend to be multi tasking and would prefer to listen to music in situations other than secluding themselves to a designated room with a single chair. There is a time and place for all types of listening. The key is to get the BEST SOUND for the situation. You might be surprised how interested your wife will become if you listen to what she wants in a listening experience. Just a suggestion ... Thank you for your positive response to women and high end audio.
if money talks and nobody walks, money knows no gender. therefore, women should be able to deal with less than sympathetic audio salesmen by flashing a credit card or cash.

based upon some of the encounters with audio salesmen reported on audiogon, women are not the only sex having a hard time at some upscale audio salons.
"Women tend to be multi tasking and would prefer to listen to music in situations other than secluding themselves to a designated room with a single chair. "

No doubt.