High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
But, but, but in this picture the Bass tower is on the other side of the room from the mid and treble unit.....

I guess it looks better over there, dear.

As the number is in my town,I just called and talked with Anna a lady who has a lovely voice.No public store,but better than no nothing I'm sure.I hope they evolve though of course,they'll never compare to the stooges.Maybe if they hire Judy Tenuda to man[sorry] the phones......
I'll have to try this site out on my wife! She doesn't know a woofer from our family dog.
I really do think an audio site geared towards women is a novel concept + I truly hope it is successful.

However it is a fact that in the case of my wife, she has no interest in this stuff other than how it looks and whether or not I play our system too loud or not. Luckily, she also does not really care whether I spend too much money on this hobby or not. In the end, our audio-relationship is in fact quite symbiotic....except when I play things too loud and she is in the room!
Elizabeth - My comment was not meant to discourage women. I do think the idea is good from a marketing standpoint. Given the economy just now, I stand by my comment about bad timing. The site looks nice. The product selection is too skimpy and the offerings and prices will not attract many newcomers.

No hope because the predisposed audience is quite small and again, the timing stinks.
Thank you for your kind suggestion. I would agree with the comment about the Bass Towers are in the wrong position, IF THEY WERE BASS TOWERS. These are Dali Megaline speakers which DO NOT have separate Bass Towers.
To the gentleman who stated his wife is not interested in HiFi, I believe many women have a different listening style to men. Women tend to be multi tasking and would prefer to listen to music in situations other than secluding themselves to a designated room with a single chair. There is a time and place for all types of listening. The key is to get the BEST SOUND for the situation. You might be surprised how interested your wife will become if you listen to what she wants in a listening experience. Just a suggestion ... Thank you for your positive response to women and high end audio.
if money talks and nobody walks, money knows no gender. therefore, women should be able to deal with less than sympathetic audio salesmen by flashing a credit card or cash.

based upon some of the encounters with audio salesmen reported on audiogon, women are not the only sex having a hard time at some upscale audio salons.
StereoLady, nice response. I know this is a difficult time to enter the audio business, but I really wish you the best success. It is hard for me to explain my passion for music when all my wife sees are cables and large speakers and a blatant disregard for aesthetics. I will heartily recommend your site to my friends who are inclined towards music in their home but are (rightfully) intimidated by the whole scene. Elizabeth, your contributions are always welcome. I look forward to your posts. I hope that you continue to contribute and that more women will be brave enough to venture into this territory. Many times it is very stuffy here and reeks of testosterone.
"Women tend to be multi tasking and would prefer to listen to music in situations other than secluding themselves to a designated room with a single chair. "

No doubt.

We live in a time when there are more and more women in engineering, so it is not surprising to see more women in the Audio industry.

If you go and check the factory tours from some of the online websites, you'll realize that perhaps some of the components you own were engineered, co-designed or built by a woman.

What is surprising to me is that some people on these forums seem to be surprised at the idea of an Audio store tailored for women. I think is about time that we get to see more women involved in Audio.
Talk about the perfect woman!! I'd love to meet a woman that bought her own hi-end system. Whew, someone to share, appreciate and understand the sonic bliss I hear when everything is working properly. A great spinoff would be a dating site that matched audiophile males and females.

But, you might run into a problem if the guy likes tubes and she likes solid state. He's into cd's but she likes vinyl. He likes electrostats and she wants cones....

...oh, never mind.
Stereolady: depends on the women: I want to listen to music in a dedicated listening room and my ex-boyfriend listened to it as background music. I saw your website and I sort of wish you didn't reinforce the stereotype of the shoes. As a woman audiophile (who works in the fashion industry) I think smart, educated women are capable of processing the world without the shoe prism.

However, I like your idea and concept. I think it's a long time coming wish you all the BEST.

Mrtennis: you are SO wrong. I've spent tens of thousands of $s and still got treated like some idiot, someone who must of fleeced some man for the cash, and once was asked point blank if "by any chance I give massages and if so how much per hour." This is why I only deal with a tight network of dealers/manufacturers.

Mitch4t: ROTFLMAO....I just broke up with my boyfriend because he wants all ss and I want all tubes and I wasn't willing to compromise.

I appreciate your feedback! I also enjoy a dedicated listening room, but I have found thru much research, most people just starting out in the world of high end audio would prefer a more usable space they can share with others.

I would be interested in asking you if you have attended many audio shows? I think this would be a good way for more women to get interested in this hobby.
Back in the day there were only a few women surfing, now there out there shredding with power and grace. Even though my lovely wife was a capable disk jockey and went on to media promotions she's a bit uncomfortable with turntable maintenance. She has recently researched, selected, and was a major force in installing our new HT only system.

While not all the women who she manages to get in the sweet spot find audio fidelity all that important, but many are so taken by the experience they've jumped in the water. I can't tell just how proud I am. Twenty-six pairs of black shoes and speakers out in the middle of the living room. Sweet.

I am very glad to have ''stumbled'' on this site that speaks Audio to women, and especially happy that it is generating a healthy discussion. Being a marketing strategy consultant for the past 15 years, I am often faced with designing strategies for companies with male and female clients as their target market. I have had client companies (in both B2B and B2C) manufacturing or distributing everything from tools, to furniture, to doors & windows, to high-end musical instruments...to high end audio (a few unknown companies as clients as well as one of the most prestigious manufacturer in all of high-end audio). One thing is for sure.
Women use, enjoy, and most importantly, have different motivating buying factors than men – as surely as Venus is different from Mars. More importantly, I am astounded daily (through my clients again) of the decisional power of women in seemingly purely traditional ‘’male’’ items like garage doors, high-end tools, heating and ventilation equipment, and anything of significant value that crosses the front door into the home. High end audio does not escape this fact. We may underplay or minimize some exotic audio purchases to the kinder gender, but who are we fooling really? Audio gear companies that ignore this growing and positive female market force, especially the smaller companies (and there are many out there) will feel the squeeze eventually. So far, most audio companies have never felt that need to ‘’speak’’ or sell to the ladies, but this might be prone to change in this niche market with a shrinking customer base in relation to the correspondingly large market offer from manufacturers - mass and boutique type- of high end audio. I would say that it is never too late to start – heck – it is smart business. And this will mean a lot more than the borderline insulting ‘’WAF’’ term - wife acceptance factor - that many audiophiles use, reducing the seductive elements of audio components to ‘’looks’’ only. Women actually like brains also, not just looks, in audio. In my humble opinion, accessibility to quality reproduced music – and not just while relaxing in a Lazyboy, is a bigger priority to many women than the 1’’ thick faceplate of a preamp and the activity of ‘’analyzing the air’’ around instruments in the same 10 recordings that are in rotation in many an audiophile sanctuary (because it is a sancturary right?). Sorry about the length of this text – the topic just seemed overdue. B-T-W, my significant other likes music as much as I do, but just not served and enjoyed in the same fashion !
All of this will of course introduce a new acronym into the hi-end lexicon.

HAF....husband acceptance factor.

You were a single female audiophile who is now getting married to a very manly man. What stays? His big Krell monoblocs and Wilson Grand Slamms or her color coordinated speakers and not so beefy amps?

So, Stereolady, what is the matching item on the left of the picture? A Dali Miniline, perhaps? Or perhaps they have a line of ultra-thin bass traps? Or maybe a divider in case I want to slip into something more comfortable while listening?

In any case, the Megaline is in the wrong place and facing the wrong way - where is the other one?
I think this is a good idea and certainly worth pursuing as a business opportunity. There are other businesses, such as fitness clubs, that cater only to women for gender based reasons. It is unquestionable that women have different views and approaches to things than men. It doesn't mean always mean that they are not interested in similar things, but their approach may differ. My wife is certainly very discerning when it comes to quality and appreciates the audio and video system that I put together. What she doesn't appreciate is the way that I do it, i.e. the research, the high-end audio stores, fussing over moving speakers an inch one way or the other, the ugliness of some of the equipment. Most of all, she doesn't appreciate the cost. From looking at Stereolady's website, it would seem to me that the target market is the very well heeled, professional since the majority of systems are very expensive. If I am wrong in this, I can only say that it is the image she is projecting. If I were starting such a business, I would very closely investigate the lower end of the high-end market, i.e. the women who wants quality but think that more than a few thousand is neither realistic nor justified given other household expenses. Or perhaps she has done this market research and decided that the more affluent person is her target. If so, then fair enough.

And since Stereolady is monitoring this thread to see what all of us chauvinists have to say, I would recommend that she look at the following thread from a couple of weeks ago.


The person who started this thread appears to be exactly the type of person you might be looking for as a client.
Nothing like a battle of the sexes to polarize a group of people. So now are we going to see a website by women for women to show how to make the family car more easily blend with the garage decor? Oh waite, I know, how to accessorize your lawn mower so it looks cute while cutting the grass. Let the men have what few toys we still possess. PALEEZ!
Hey Ait- That's the view of a Dali Megaline from the front. Notice the ribbon array at the right of it's cabinet? The one on the right is a partial profile. The owner appears to be exercising a practice known as, "toe-in" in his placement. Here's a front view of a pair of Megalines to(hopefully) end the confusion: (http://cgim.audiogon.com/i/vs/s/f/1221106713.jpg)
Stereolady: Yes over the years I have attended many shows, CES, CEDIA, HES, the Stereophile show when it was in NYC. I got treated with respect was when I attended as a Wall St Analyst covering the sector. When I attended on my own I got the "where's your husband?"

Soniqmike: people should take a page out of the Aquos/Sharp playbook. They targeted the function/design towards women because they knew recognized that women shop differently and were the primary decision-makers in large ticket purchasing.

General question: if someone is going listen to music while they do other things, then why do they need/want high end audio system. Recent studies have shown that it is not possible for the human brain to fully concentrate on multiple items but it switches constantly. Therefore, an iPod and a decent ss integrated and a pair of monitors should be enough. Perhaps this is why most women don't get the investment of cash and real estate to something that generates background music. In this case, B+O and Bose already have th
The post from Mich4T is interesting if not too flattering for us males. Notice his link and relationship between the notion of ''very manly man'' and ''Big Krell monoblocs and Wilson Grand Slamms''. In one sentence, he cracked open the marketing code of these two companies (especially Wilson) who are trying to fool everyone that Dave Wilson's ear (and his will to reproduce - from memory no less (!)- the sounds of the world's great concert halls. What a joke! Yeah, sure. There are some of beleive this or else hi wouldn't spend all that money telling us with his hi-fi mags ads.

This points in the direction of the real core of this audio hobby for many (men) audiophiles. It's all about the gear, while music is just a front for respectability purposes. Of course the two are not mutually exclusive, once in a blue moon. Nothing wrong with being in it just for the gear, like some folks buy works of Art. I like 1" thick faceplates as much as the next guy. Fine by me. But let's call a cat a cat ok ?

And Ibog1: ''how to accessorize your lawn mower so it looks cute while cutting the grass.''

Come on guys, let's get smart here and not start a battle of wits unarmed. For once, we have a lady that is opening up to our crazy (and expensive) hobby with good intentions here - Isn't this great news? Why the defensive comments?
Pookine, it just occured to me that maybe the answer lies with the title of a song on one of the most celebrated of all ''audiophile'' recordings - Belafonte at Carnegie Hall - and his song.... ''Man Smart (Woman Smarter)! ''. There it is - a ray of truth barried under the high-end audio shrine !!

Are you showing this thread to the wife with the hopes of gaining favor for the impending large audio purchase:)?

Or have you really convinced yourself that trying to demasculinize the ownership of audio gear is a worthwile endevour? I know that this might seem contraversial in such a forward thinking liberal society, but I do still enjoy the freedom that comes from standing while using the restroom. Hence, I still enjoy the few things that are almost unique unto us guys. Is it a crime to try to preserve some of these traditions? The answer would be NO!

My wife does have her own audio rig, and I support her because she likes to listen to music, not make a statement by ownership.
Judging from the appearance/social skills/personal grooming of the men (especially in the SET/horn crowd) at the various audio shows - no need to worry about having too many women hanging around.
Ibog1, interesting point of view and I thank you for your comment. I will be the last to say that so far the high-end audio experience has not been mainly a masculine thing. Again, nothing wrong with that to the same extent that we are mainly talking ''toys'' here. Women of course, have their own toys of which many are of absolutely no interest for most men (unless a $ 3,200 Louis Vutton bag excites you but - hey - it's a free society!).

I guess my point is that a lady is trying to get in ''the club'' and probably risking a good sum of money in an effort to make a living at it. Risking more than most if us that are well shielded behind a computer screen where it is easy to give our opinion. I just feel that it is an old-school thinking not to find this refreshing. And what about the possibility that old-school, know-it-all dealers out there (you know the type) could learn a thing or two in the process? One reason why I enjoy Audiogon and the possibility of buying on-line is because I feel the traditional audio shop has not followed with modern times and modern attitude. But that's a whole other debate of course. Of course Stereolady can learn a lot by watching the whole male-dominated audio scene. I just feel that it could also be the other way around, and that it could induce some much needed energy to spice things up a bit.

Please bear in mind that my point of view is totally subjective, but then, my job is on a daily basis to exactly try and pinpoint the possible flaws, threats, and opporunities in a given market or industry, and this has to be done very objectively. Being an ''audiophile'' myself, I am influenced by my own bias here, although I can detach rather quickly when needed, but granted it is not always easy to do so.

Quick story to illustrate this: I had a consulting contract with a group of purveyors of hunting trips. The objective was to attract wealthy americans to northern canadian hunting trips. Expensive ones, where the guest is lodged in fancy castle-like ''log homes'' with gourmet food. The main promotional attraction was that with this hunting-trip company, you had a better chance of killing a huge deer, moose, than with another destination. My personal bias came into play here, but to a point where I just could not indulge in a business activity where my client would promote a ''better chance'' of killing an animal, and where I would help him do this. We all need to work (well most of us) but this I could not do. Holy smokes, am I off track here of what! Let's keep it audio, sorry !
"Judging from the appearance/social skills/personal grooming of the men (especially in the SET/horn crowd) at the various audio shows - no need to worry about having too many women hanging around."


Pookie, you definately win. I really like how you pick out a certain amp/speaker crowd too.
"Judging from the appearance/social skills/personal grooming of the men (especially in the SET/horn crowd) - no need to worry about having too many women hanging around."


I may have to think twice about adding a pair of horn loaded speaks to my system!

Luckily, so far, I am SET/horn-free.
Does that explain the desirability of buying really huge horns? Are we compensating for something here?? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Pookie10... I am a 37 year old metrosexual who is pretty hot...at least that is what my wife tells me. And I have large powerful tubes!!!!

hi pookie10:

is it possible that your experiences have not been representative of audio professionals, but rather represent a minority of audio professionals ? perhaps you might consider them audio rednecks.

there are intolerant people in all professions, but they are not the majority.
i am not doubting the veracity of your anecdotal observations. however, most business persons are motivated by self preservation, i.e., generating a profit from their endeavors. thus it is counterproductive to antagonize a customer and not make a sale.
Mrtennis - Here's a thread that suggests you are wrong about audio dealers.

Pookie10... I am a 37 year old metrosexual who is pretty hot...at least that is what my wife tells me. And I have large powerful tubes!!!!
This is what happens when you leave your computer unattended and a 14 year old decides to post in your forum for fun!
it is never a good idea to generalize. i can cite several honorable and consumer-friendly audio dealers, to counter the unpleasant experiences of others. what does that prove ?

it's fair to say that every barrel has some rotten apples.
that's obvious.
"high end audio systems designed by women...just for women"
Isn't this discrimination ?
sounds like it to me.
Superhonestben - You'll have to catch her in the act. Offer to buy something and see if you can bait her into turning down your money based on gender. No fair disguising your voice.
Mrtennis: is it *never* a good idea to generalize? Are you saying that it is ALWAYS good to avoid generalization? Sorry, just had to point out the performative contradiction there.

Oh, I agree with Pookie that the shoe is over the top.
what i meant to say is: generalizations based upon experience are usually incorrect. such generalizations are based upon induction. the results of induction can be disproven by one example, whereas the results of induction cannot be proven.

thank you for your observation.
hi superhonestben:

designing audio systems by women for women does not preclude male purchasers, just as designing stereo systems by men for men does not preclude the possibility that women will want to own them.

in either case there is no discrimination. neither men nor women would be prevented from buying the aforementioned stereo systems, if they were avaiable to both genders, without any restrictions.
Mrty...keep it simple will you ? This isn't Harvard psychlology class here. Speaking only for myself and my own personal experience, good friendly audio shops have been the exception, not the rule, at least for me. Now that's my personnal view. As for my professionnal view (with my consulting work in the last 15 years) I pretty much come to the same conclusions. I understand that this might be hard to understand for some folks who happen to have a nice, friendly hi-fi store close by. God bless them.
whether audio salesman are personable or supercilious, the question is can you buy what you want at a fair price, in spite of attitude problems ?

i believe if you are negotiator, you can deflect any negativity on the part of salespersons or store owners, they want to sell and hopefully, they can entice you to buy. its all business, nothing personal.
Hey again Mrtennis:

You say:

"generalizations based upon experience are usually incorrect. such generalizations are based upon induction. the results of induction can be disproven by one example, whereas the results of induction cannot be proven."

All due respect, that's so bland and trite as to be useless. First of all, of course they can't be proven: but what can? Second of all, what else are you going to do? Develop opinions about what is likely to happen, or to be true of cases you haven't encountered, without appealing to experience? By what means then? Astrology? Ouiji board? Mathematics? Asking the Pope?

Of course one must avoid the usual inductive fallacies -- hasty induction, slothful induction, biased samples, etc., but its the only game in town.