High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?

I appreciate your feedback! I also enjoy a dedicated listening room, but I have found thru much research, most people just starting out in the world of high end audio would prefer a more usable space they can share with others.

I would be interested in asking you if you have attended many audio shows? I think this would be a good way for more women to get interested in this hobby.
Back in the day there were only a few women surfing, now there out there shredding with power and grace. Even though my lovely wife was a capable disk jockey and went on to media promotions she's a bit uncomfortable with turntable maintenance. She has recently researched, selected, and was a major force in installing our new HT only system.

While not all the women who she manages to get in the sweet spot find audio fidelity all that important, but many are so taken by the experience they've jumped in the water. I can't tell just how proud I am. Twenty-six pairs of black shoes and speakers out in the middle of the living room. Sweet.

I am very glad to have ''stumbled'' on this site that speaks Audio to women, and especially happy that it is generating a healthy discussion. Being a marketing strategy consultant for the past 15 years, I am often faced with designing strategies for companies with male and female clients as their target market. I have had client companies (in both B2B and B2C) manufacturing or distributing everything from tools, to furniture, to doors & windows, to high-end musical instruments...to high end audio (a few unknown companies as clients as well as one of the most prestigious manufacturer in all of high-end audio). One thing is for sure.
Women use, enjoy, and most importantly, have different motivating buying factors than men – as surely as Venus is different from Mars. More importantly, I am astounded daily (through my clients again) of the decisional power of women in seemingly purely traditional ‘’male’’ items like garage doors, high-end tools, heating and ventilation equipment, and anything of significant value that crosses the front door into the home. High end audio does not escape this fact. We may underplay or minimize some exotic audio purchases to the kinder gender, but who are we fooling really? Audio gear companies that ignore this growing and positive female market force, especially the smaller companies (and there are many out there) will feel the squeeze eventually. So far, most audio companies have never felt that need to ‘’speak’’ or sell to the ladies, but this might be prone to change in this niche market with a shrinking customer base in relation to the correspondingly large market offer from manufacturers - mass and boutique type- of high end audio. I would say that it is never too late to start – heck – it is smart business. And this will mean a lot more than the borderline insulting ‘’WAF’’ term - wife acceptance factor - that many audiophiles use, reducing the seductive elements of audio components to ‘’looks’’ only. Women actually like brains also, not just looks, in audio. In my humble opinion, accessibility to quality reproduced music – and not just while relaxing in a Lazyboy, is a bigger priority to many women than the 1’’ thick faceplate of a preamp and the activity of ‘’analyzing the air’’ around instruments in the same 10 recordings that are in rotation in many an audiophile sanctuary (because it is a sancturary right?). Sorry about the length of this text – the topic just seemed overdue. B-T-W, my significant other likes music as much as I do, but just not served and enjoyed in the same fashion !