High on Thier List, But Low on Yours

Is there any piece of equipment out there that a lot of audiophiles and reviewers like or love that you think is, ummm, crappy?
Things I cannot get a good result (given the price) out of no matter how hard I try - Metal-based or ceramic cones, mdf or glass shelves, B&W 801, AES/EBU digital cables, solid-core interconnects or speaker cables, sub-woofers, power conditioners, cables by Monster and Audioquest. That is probably enough to get me into trouble - but I don't think they are "crappy" so much as they just do not work for me. I do hope this post does not elicit the "K" word again.
I guess this may turn out to be a very inflammatory thread. We will all list product, only to have lovers of that stuff become incensed. Nevertheless, it will probably fun as well. I agree that a lot of stuff is dependent on the situation, system, and personal taste. Here is my list: Pre/power amplifiers from Adcom, Audio Research, Carver(Lightstar/Sunfire excepted), Classe(I like some of their stuff), Coda, and Legacy(made by Coda). Speakers from Dynaudio(not their drivers or kits - maybe I just view their speakers as overpriced...), JMlabs, Kef, Legacy, Thiel, Wilson, and basically any speaker that uses Focal tweeters. Digital from Marantz, Rega(would like to hear the Planet 2000), and Sony. Cables from MIT, Monster, Nordost, Wireworld, but above all ANY cable that is really expensive. And some tweaks such as the Totem Beaks, Shakti Stones, a lot of things you put on a CD, clocks that plug into electrical outlets, power conditioners(not AC power regenerators), etc. But, probably THE biggest ripoff next to cables are audiophile furniture, especially those with 3/8" to 5/8" shelves for more than $400. Can't wait to read everyone's list.
I am dissapointed with: The power supply in Los Angeles, generic power cords supplied with the equipment, my wife tapping her nails or humming to a piece of music while I am attempting to evaluate a new piece of gear or change in my system (I am over her standing in front of one or the other speakers while also doing this), my ears and sometimes my brain.
Cardas interconnects. I've heard them badly beaten by products costing 1/10 th the amount.
Macintosh. I always thought it was really overated but I admit that not only do indavidual taste vary but also system matching plays a big part. I like the above bashed MIT Cables and Classe equipment. Although I have never heard Classe attacked MIT is under constant fire. It doesnt upset me as much as it confuses me.