Home Entertainment Show in Los Angeles

Has anyone ever been to this event?

I'll try to get some time to check it out this weekend.


Showing 3 responses by macrojack

So why is Dave running ads justifying his price?
He wants to establish his product as a good value, something Honda has done as well as anyone.
You say there is no common ground between Wilson and Honda. I think there is.
Are there any Wilson owners out there who also own a Honda?

And, by the way, Wilson speakers are mass produced, their customers seem to argue that the value is there and Wilson would love to be dealing in Honda size numbers. That's why he employs blanket advertising.
If you have $30K idling about as spare change in your pocket and no real compunction about how you distribute these funds, then putting the whole wad into a pair of speakers is no worse than some other things that have been chosen by others in the past. On the other hand, if you have a mortgage or car payments or kids who need you to pay for schooling or any of several dozen other real world obligations, such a purchase would be difficilt to reconcile. There are just too many more pressing needs in most of our lives. Consider how much money $30,000 really is and what it can buy. I don't care what Wilson speakers are made of or what sort of hallucinogenic value structure you apply. There simply is no way on earth that the cost of a pair of Watt Puppy 8's (might be 8A's before I finish this sentence) could possibly approach that of a loaded Accord.
RElative to other manufactured goods hi end audio is scandalously expensive for what you get and Wilson appears to me to be leading the pack. The reason given for switching from the 7's to the 8's is meeting European lead free restrictions. So we are eliminating the lead and selling the same product for what,$5000 more?
So, to answer Boa2's question........ No speaker is worth that much money.
I'm surprised no one has pointed out the big difference between the $1500 my hypothetical Honda dealer makes on the Accord versus the more than $10,000 the Wilson dealer brings down for selling W/P 8's. That is, of course the biggest difference between the comparative pricing structures and I think it argues strongly for the factory direct marketing model. If you were to buy those $30,000 Wilsons wholesale, they might cost you $18,000 and that's less than 4 times what they are worth.