Hostility from manufacturers

I know its a cottage industry, and margins are thin, but I still think its shortsighted of them, and harms the industry in the long run. I'm talking about several interactions I've had with manufacturers after having purchased their products on the secondhand market. They should think about what would happen to their prices and their sales if their products were not resellable. Maybe they would like us to send our components to the scrap heap every few years or so just before we purchase their latest upgrade.

Fire away..
Right Taters, I love the stuff selling on here as "factory refreshed", somehow I just don't believe they sent it to China and back.

I have purchased more used equipment than brand new over the years as means of being able to afford some of the more revered and renown products that other members have opined about,  I've read about,  or even have had an opportunity to listen to.  Most of the time,  finances permitting,  this has led to me purchasing the new versions of the stuff I first bought used thinking the brand new versions were a safer bet.  True in almost every instance.

People who drive the better automobiles tend to take care of them,  same goes for higher end audio equipment.  

Pass Labs M2 amplifier - used from Reno Hifi,  which led me to buy a new X150.5 amp.  In between the two I contacted support at Pass on the used and they could not have cared any less that I bought it used.  Exceptionally courteous people.  Customer for life...

Peachtree  Audio:  I purchased a factory refurb 220se integrated amp that arrived DOA.  A brick.  One email to support,  three people responded within a few hours.  They shipped a new unit with a return shipping label.  In fact they practically fell over one another to keep me as a customer.  They did.

Thiel Audio:  contacted them regarding repairing the midranges on my used CS 3.5's.  Super nice people who recognize that their legacy products will only keep bringing them new customers.  (Though I haven't yet - can't give these speakers up!)  Exceptional considering that these are about 20 years old.

I purchased a MW 150SE amp.... used and it was originally a sliver color. I contacted MW about getting it re - skinned to black, after several email and phone calls, all was set. The seller sent the amp directly  to MW, once received Dan called me and suggested some updates it needed to bring the amp to current specs. The customer support was nothing but first rate, from a high quality company. I own a mix of new and used MW products, remain a satisfied customer.
It's really nice to hear about all the good experiences and high levels of customer satisfaction from these manufacturers. It will tip the scale when I consider a purchase, new or used.

It is good reading, knowing, that there are companies that still "serve" us consumers.