Hot Rats

There are times when you have to pull this album from the rack and listen!

Showing 3 responses by ghosthouse

Rockadanny - If you are liking SU&PYG, do check out "Trance Fusion" on YouTube. Someone uploaded the whole thing. Nothing but FZ guitar solos that he apparently selected (first and last reportedly Dweezil, however). "Frank Zappa Guitar" might also work for you . Along with Hot Rats, I really enjoy Burnt Weenie Sandwich and Chunga's Revenge Weasel's Ripped to a less extent. Definitely prefer instrumental Zappa to Zappa w/lyrics. Good call on FZ, Pops.
Max - I will definitely check that out. Hadn't heard of it but it sounds exactly like something I'd enjoy. THANKS.
Max - you were right. "Imaginary Diseases" is great. Found all tracks uploaded to YouTube and listened to the whole thing last night. Track sequencing is well done as they just build to a smokin' ending with "Montreal". Also discovered "Sleep Dirt", another all instrumental FZ recording. Thanks for the tip.