How can I raise the height of the sound stage

My system consists of:

Quad 988 electrostatic speakers
Quicksilver V4 tube mono blocks
SAS Audio 10A tube pre amp
Cary Audio 303/300 cd player

THe sound stage presently is about 18" from the floor
I agree with Fiddler. I have found that speaker cables have a significant impact on the shape and size of the stage. What are your speaker cables?

Try different cabling.

I recently auditioned CT cables and they dropped the soundstage a good foot. Went back to my silver cables and the soundstage came right back up.
I built stands for my 988's by going to a timber frame housing company and getting roughly 5' of solid 12"x12" fir used for posts in timber home construction. The cost was around $200, and they cut it into two 26" lengths, one for each speaker. It definitely brings the soundstage off the ground, with only minor loss of some of the bass. I think it's worth it. I might go with 10"x10" though, as long as the spikes from the 988 would fit on it.

Let me know if you would like more information.
Hi Nke,

I have listened to the Quads, and loved the sound but found the soundstage to be exactly as you describe. I would recommend that you look for some stands for the Quads. Here is an example:

Good luck,

In addition to what Rhyno said make sure your phase is correct. Check to see if any of your pre/power/cdp inverts phase or not.
