How does the Technics SL 1200 compare with....

other belt drive tables with comparable price tags? Specifically, the Music Hall
MMF 5, and the Rega p3. For arguements sake, lets say these items are all going to be placed on a three inch thick block of oak with vibrapods, and also have comparable cartridges and preamps. I really want to make a foray into vinyl, but for the life of me I just can't decide on a player. Any help would be much appreciated.

Showing 7 responses by tvad

Discuss the SL1200 tonearm with Kevin at KAB and you might be persuaded not to swap it for a Rega. He makes some cogent points about the true cost and performance of each.

Also, I would respectfully disagree with my friend jaybo regarding the MMF-7 being on par with the Technics SL1200. The Technics is far preferable to my ear. It might be the MMF-7's stock Goldring cartridge that was objectionable, and changing it out for something else might make a significant difference.

Also, the SL1200 tonearm's anti-skate and VTA adjustments are far superior to those on the MMF-7's Pro-Ject tonearm.
The high mass, highly damped plinth of the Technics is the poloar opposite of the purposefully low mass highly rigid, undamped plinth of the Rega.
Piedpiper (System | Threads | Answers)

There is a thread on Audiocircle specifically addressing the issue of damping the platters and plinths of Japanese direct drive tables. The author of the thread argues quite adamantly that the Technics table requires substantial damping to sound its best.

You and he offer completely opposite views of the same table.

08-18-07: Piedpiper
The Technics was smoother but not as clear, fast or dynamic. The Rega was edgier though.

To me, this is a good distinction, and one that does not indicate one being better than the other. It's merely a matter of preference.

I would say Piedpiper's description of the Technics sound is in keeping with what I hear with my SL1210/Benz Micro Ace combo. I would also say his description of the Rega is in keeping with the sound of my previous MMF-7 with Goldring Eroica cart. I prefer the smoother sound of the Technics/Benz Micro Ace versus the edgier sound of the MMF-7.

He's also on the money about the speed stability. I could discern the speed instability of the MMF-7.
Shsohis, what comprises your system...speakers, amplifier, preamplifier? How long have you owned the system?

08-20-07: Piedpiper
Managing resonance for sonics and for isolation are two very different things. The Technics does very well for isolation but I question whether it is as competitive for sonics in this respect.

It seems to me managing resonance for isolation directly affects sonics. The two cannot be separated. If not, why bother with isolation?

Can you be more specific so I can better understand your point?
That's a nice system, Shsohis. I once owned a First Sound Presence Deluxe II.

You obviously prefer a very neutral sound, which the FS and Pass will deliver.

How long have you owned the system?
two additional services might be mounting the Origin Live (or his own) arm board and an RB-based or compatible tonearm, and putting together a truly optimized platform.
Johnnyb53 (Threads | Answers)

I have spoken with Kevin about this, and he is adamant about not replacing the stock Technics arm. He makes a good argument for leaving it as is. You will not see him in the business of installing Rega arms and OL arm boards.