How many stereo lovers have you created?

Can you remember specific individuals who purchased decent quality stereos after hearing yours? I can safely claim 5. All of these were spawned in high school when I had a pair of Magneplanar MG-I improved speakers powered by a Denon integrated amp. Two bought Magnepans and the others box speakers. One of the Magnepan buyers was a female who purchased a pair despite having a limited budget for college. One of the five took up the hobby in a big way and has a great system. He and I are best friends and can spend hours talking about audio. I can recall being smitten with the audio bug listening to my brother in laws Sony system when I was 10. I had my first system (Pioneer and EPI) when I was 13. I suspect many of you can claim more audio offspring than I.

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Lots and lots. I have sold so many JBL's that I should have been given a commission by the company.

Of course, one could say by impressing folks on the JBL sound that I ruined people on "good" stereo equipment.

Let the buyer beware!!!!