How Many Turntables Have You Owned

As for me... My first that I can remember was a Webcor - part of their Holidy package. then... Garrard, Benjamin Miracord, Dual, Bogen, Thorens TD 124, and 121, Rek o Kut, LinnSondek, Grado, Rega, SME, VPI... I probably have forgotten a few
1st: JVC LA-11 ( 1981 model) belt drive semi auto. Nice basic Japan Inc. unit for a young teen at the time.

2: Hitachi PS-38 (late 70s' and used) Direct drive full manual. Typical of many Japan Inc. direct drives. Good performance and my dad still has it in his system.

3: JVC LA-1 ( 1984 model) Linear tracking belt drive. Cool unit to play with but only avg. performance with the stock JVC p-mount cartridge. Sold it in Fall '86 to get 100% into 'Perfect Sound Forever' Yeah right! But I was still young and easily impressed back then.

Fast Forward to 2003.

4: Music Hall mmf2.1. Interesting, affordable new table. Good performance reinvigorated by love for vinyl. I had no issues with mine but others had some reported quality control issues with their. I enjoyed mine though.

5: Spring 2005 I built my first DIY table to which I tweaked it into other mods and setups from then. It had a Rega RB250 arm and a Denon DL-110 cart. Parts bin using belt driove setup from an older JVC table. It was a fine project and fun to tweak it . Its sound was good, better than my mmf 2.1 but speed stability was not as good as I liked, cheap Japan Inc. motor and drive. I built my own DIY tone arm Fall of 2007 which came out well and as a nice unipivot. But by Jan 2008 I had reached my end point on my DIY project and soon tired of tweaking it. I gave myself a pat on the back as I did pull it off well enough for a few years but I now wanted to settle in on a new turntable to just enjoy.

6: Feb 2008 KAB USA modded with Cardas rewire Technics SL-1200MKII. This is the table I should have bought back in 2003 but I got all caught up in the belt drive good, direct drive bad CR@POLA. It is by far the best and coolest table I have ever bought. It punches above its weight and will give me years of reliable service. I will soon add the arm damper but I am 100% blown away of how good such a brand new table well under $1000 can sound.

Fifteen if you count the three different times I had the Linn LP12 and twice I had a Garrard 301 25 years apart.
Not counting the Close-n-Play the folks bought for us when we were kids, I count about six.

1973 - BSR something-another with a Pickering cartridge.
1975 - An original AR turntable with a Shure cartridge bought from Dixie Hi-Fi (now Circuit City).
1980? - B&O something (downgrade from AR)
1983? - Kenwood KD500 with a Magnepan tonearm and Adcom MC cartridge.
1989 - Linn Sondek LP12 with a Ittok tomarm and AT OC9 cartridge.
2006 - VPI HW-19 Mk4 with ET-2 and AT33PTG cartridge.
1st was a garrard, then..Pioneer PLD, Thorens TD124, VPI
Aries, VPI TNT-VHR, I still own the old Thorens TD124 But
I need to do some maintenance/overhauling on it.
the TNT-VHR is still in use, But I "Transformed" it.
It's got a 3.75" Cocobollo platter/Teres bearing, A Teres
reference motor (12v) a home made cocobollo Arm board with
VTA adjuster, & a Schroder model 2 Tonearm with Music maker3 cartridge. Analog forEVER baby.
Phew.... Not chronological: first some Philips record changer, then a Garrard (don't know which), Lenco L75, Akai AP-D2 (I think), Thorens TD166 II, Thorens TD125/SME 3009, Thorens TD 104, Micro Seiki BL10, Thorens TD160 Super/SME IIIS, Sony P-X55, Pioneer PL518-X and finally I settled in a Goldmund Studietto/Goldmund T5/Kiseki Agaat combination.