How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?

Hi everybody,

Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend.

My system is:

Anthem 225i (using phono pre in rec)
Musical Fidelity A5.5 CD player
Usher CP 6311 speakers
Clean SL mk2 with AT cartridge 120e

How much am I missing with my SL opposed to a $1000-$1500 including cartridge more modern setup like Rega RP3, entry Clearaudio, VPI, etc?

I'm pretty happy with the current setup but have been told I am giving up a lot with the SL.

Your opinions are appreciated, just curious.

Thanks in advance,

Johnnyb53, I guess I was surprised about the fact that I wasn't engaged by the music of a Technics SP10 mk11 at a recent audio show. I definitely think a stock Technics SL1200 needs something-even if it's only careful placement. I just wanted to point out what Uncledemp might be missing(what he might look out for), as that was the question he asked, and what I thought was missing from the SP10 mk11. I was unfamiliar with the music, and I have heard, and danced to a Technics 1200 at a dance club. I also think a stock 1200 might need some looking out for, based on needle-drops and hearing one at an audiophile's home.
If I can continue to gain performance from the 1200 by spending a few hundred dollars, I'll be happy. I have some of the items on order now, and will contact KAB in the future. With my associated gear it appears keeping the 1200 is the way to go, at least for now.

I think I will avoid any demo's of high end tables. Ignorance is bliss!
I have a full KAB SL1200 and several cartridges the most expensive of which is an Ortofon Cadenza Black. To answer the question for myself, I have ordered a VPI Classic 3 and will post here once I have had time to listen and compare the two. In an older system in another house (so a direct comparison is not possible) I have a VPI HW-19 MkIII, which also sounds very good. The KAB SL1200 is a lot more user friendly than the VPIs. Time will tell the tale.
If you like Technics buy SP10 MK2 which is amazing turntable compared to cheap and dark sounding SL1210. I own both, even totally rewired 1210 with fluid damper and stock arm is far away from SP10 with tonearm of your choise.

With 1210 you need to replace the tonearm to a better one (sme, jelco, audiomods etc). It's not worth it as the SP10 is better and more flexible (with big plinth you can use "10 or "12 inch tonearm or even two arms on one plinth). Save movey on a better arm and better turntable is more reasonable than trying to upgrade SL1210 of any kind.

I use upgraded 1210 as second system and even with Technics EPC-100cMK3 or Glanz MFG-31L or Audio-Technica ART2000 it can't compete to my SL10 mk2 with Reed 3P "12 arm.

P.S. someone posted here that Denon 103 is a "good combination" with SL1210 stock tonearm. This is not true, it's the worst combination for low compliance Denon which works well on high mass tonearms ONLY! Technics SL1200 stock arm designed for cartridges of higher compliance, say 20-30cu @ 10Hz.

Chakster: the OP is pretty clear that he's looking at a $1000-1500 budget tops. Can you realistically put together an SP10 mkII rig like you describe for that kind of money? In under 6 months watching auctions and possibly doing extended parts searches to pull the whole thing together?

It depends on whether he's looking for some easy upgrades or an adventure.

He already has an SL1200. New mat, better headshell, better feet, fluid damper and tonearm rewire will noticeably raise the 1200's performance for little money and little hassle.

The SL1200 can be taken even further with aftermarket armboards available to accommodate SME, Jelco and Rega (and compatible) tonearms.