Hyperion HPS 968 or Coincident Total Victory IV

I recently purchased a Consonance Cyber 211 monoblocks , they are 16 watts. I'm now close to purchasing a pair of Coincident total Victory IV's or Hyperion 968's . The reviews are positive for both speakers. The cost of the 968's is less then the victory's but I have read about QC issues.
I would like to get some comments from someone that has listened to each speaker or has had problems with the 968's.
My room is 11.5 ft wide x 18 ft long x 7.3 ft ceilings. The speakers would be placed along the short wall.
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.


Showing 1 response by jaybo

gotta say..like dave b, you're working backwards. coincident is a great peaker however, but don't buy any speaker just to mate with a flea watt amp. that said, the coincident will play well with just about any amp, if you're inclined to keep the monoblocks.