I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos

because Eric said the DI's slaughter the Enzos. Better yes. Slaughter, I doubt it. If they slaughter the Enzos they probably slaughter the Enzo 2.7's as well. I'm sure Eric will put out some spin saying how much better the 2.7's are. What a load of crap. I can just imagine Dave Wilson saying the Sashas slaughter the WP8's or Harry Weisfeld saying the VPI Prime slaughters the Traveler. Marketing 101: Don't diss your own products. What Eric said about the Enzo is a slap in the face to every Enzo owner out there. I'm sure the DI's are better, but not in every situation. I'm very happy with my Enzos and very disappointed with Eric Alexander. He should know better. End of rant.

Showing 1 response by rotarius

I think your full of yourself,You make midfi speakers and act like youve just built the wall and had Mexico pay for it..yep yep
LOL!  Such disrespect for a legend (albeit in his own mind)  who obsoleted all other speakers!