I Ordered a Pair of SP Tech Speakers

After much exhausting research, I ended up ordering a pair of SP Technology Timepiece 3.0 speakers a couple of weeks ago. This company flys low under the radar, so I thought I'd post this to help boost the existance of the company. Personally, I have never heard or seen (in person) any of their speakers, but decided to take a huge risk and try them. The reasons? There are many, but I'm interested in the waveguide technology (explained in detail on their site at www.4sptech.com) as well as the fact that they are professional (studio) speakers that are suitable for home stereo use. I own my own home recording studio and I'll use these (on occasion) to audition my mixes on in my living room. As far as the reviews on these speakers, there has never been anything less than fabulous written about them. I've also never seen any for sale used outside of a couple of show demos. That in itself speaks volumes. SP Tech is a small company with the usual large problems condusive of making a superior product, and because of that, there are the usual longwait times and (seemingly) never ending delays. Such is life though when your product isn't mass produced. I'm hoping that once these speakers get into the hands (and ears) of more consumers, that the company will reap the benefits that they deserve. I'm also hoping that the state of the economy doesn't lead to longer production times. If you're looking for a new set of speakers, I highly recommend looking at SP Technology. They are a dedicated group of individuals who sacrifice a lot to make what are arguably the best speakers made today in the eyes of a lucky few. I hope this thread will grow with testaments from those who own SP Tech speakers. Let's see if we can't help them start flying above the radar for a change.

Showing 2 responses by tedmbrady

I own a complete 5.1 set of SP Tech speakers, with the top-of-the-line Revelations (w/ Ultimate Mundorf external crssovers) being the first to arrive (two days after Christmas). The huge Mundorf caps are finally near break-in (600 hours) and I am more than pleased with the result (understatement). Pat (rx8man) loved the sound he heard from my setup, too.

Next to arrive are three Continuum A.D's, each with external Mundorf crossovers One as center, the other pair as dedicated music surrounds). Bob should have those to me in the next 20 days or so.

I am in awe of what the Sp Tech design is doing for my 3500 cubic foot room. The dynamics, speed, leading edge transients, bass response, transparency (almost mini-monitor-like) and overall "sheer nakedness" (as reviewer/recording engineer extraordinare Jim Merod called it) are surprising me every day. I'm done for quite awhile with the merry-go-round called speaker evaluation.
No offense Mrtennis, but if you are against cone designs why are you posting on this thread? SP Tech are cones. Always have been. ??

The OP never stated they were the "best speakers", period. He just wanted a chat area for the small company and their speakers. This thread is about SP Tech owners, listeners and their comments, at least that's what the OP wanted.