I would like to heard opinions from any ARC HD220

I would like to heard opinions from any ARC HD220
How do you like them?
How to they compare to other SS Amps?
System synergies may make up for some of it's problems, but a krell amp would put it to shame. The conspicuous absence of a review speaks volumes...the HD220 will soon go the way of the Do Do!!
At RMAF 2007 it was powering Apogee speakers to one of the top five best systems I heard at the show. The Apogee's need lots of power and the amp was working hard but I thought it sounded great and I'm not an ARC fan. I have not heard it in any other systems.
The HD220 sounds etched, bright, sterile and well, you get the idea. I ran it with the ref 3...more solid state sounding then most solid state amps...hybrids suck, especially with 6h3o tubes in them.