I would like to know more about a Mc Laren 602 Preamp

I would like some feedback about the Mc Laren 602 Preamp,such as when and where it was made? how much did it cost? most of all how did it sound?

wow.that's a name i haven't heard for a while.
the mclarens were built in australia and the 602 was aimed to fill the gap between the entry and mid level audiophile system.i recall it being very good in its day(early to mid 80's)with little of the glare that was common to most ss pre's of the period.aside from that,my memory fails to be reliable enuf to make any generalisations about its sound and musical qualities.

jazzdac: you might find some of what you're looking for at the tag mclaren (audio) website (there are lots of archived stories/reviews in the "library"):

