Ideas on speaker like Magnepan but with high WAF

I'm looking for speakers that throw a big sound stage, great imaging and do all the things Maggies do but aren't the size of a door (actually two).

A speaker set up that would provide the 3d sound I'm after for around $2k without visually dominating the room. Floorstander or stand mounted.

Suggestions on non-planar speakers that come close in sound or better?

Showing 1 response by elizabeth

To CDc2's WIFE:
Let your man have his Magnepan speakers. He will be forever grateful. He will stop thinking about that hot babe down the block and just concentrate his lovin' on YOU.

Then also, you can get stuff YOU want, and if he complains: you got him by the balls, (I mean Magnepans) when you can say "Honey ,even though I hated those speakers... just for YOU I let you have them.. Let me have this______."
It will work.
And you may like the sound of the Magnepans...
One nice feature of Magnepans is reasonable bass, that is no disgusting booming. (just do not let him add any subwoofers!!)
Way too many speakers just have too much bass, not Magnepans.

Also the Magnepans can actually BE a plus in the way you arrange the place. They are kind of like Japanese Screens, and can be an interesting addition to a well planned decore.
I own a pair of big Magnepans and love them. They make great music.
Show this to your wife CDc2