Ikea Eket shelves with a large vinyl collection?

Hi All, 

Has anyone had success storing a large vinyl collection (2000+) in the Ikea Eket shelves? I'm worried about the weight restrictions per shelf. My current shelves hold about 40 lbs. per shelf, but the Eket is rated only 15 lbs per shelf. Any experience with this? 

Showing 5 responses by bdp24

Yep shadorne, the Simple Woods cube is really nice; I love Baltic Birch. But to get the linear footage I got in the EKET for $500, the equivalent Simple Woods would be $3200. I would rather spend the $2700 difference on LP’s themselves.

Ispice---There are several Ikea shelving units that work well for LP’s, as attested to above. I went to my Ikea to look them all over, and chose the EKET. I too had concerns about it’s weight capacity, but they have (so far!) proven to be groundless.

I have nine of the 4-cube version (each measuring 27.5" tall and wide, and 14" deep, with a back panel, which many of the Ikea shelving units do NOT have), stacked three high in three side-by-side rows. Ikea offers a bag of connecting clips, which secure one 4-cube unit to another, either it’s lateral neighbor, it’s vertical, or both. I have each stack sitting on the optional 4-legged stand, which raises the bottom EKET 3.5" off the floor. It screws onto the bottom of the EKET, keeping the bottom shelf from accumulating the floor dust that always seems to get in. Right?! Each of the four legs has threaded inserts, into which screw adjustable feet, which provide leveling. I adjusted mine so that the stack leans back just slightly, the top edge of the upper EKET’s back butted against the wall. So placed, the stack is rock solid, not budging even slightly when nudged from the front or side. The nine EKET cubes feel like they are part of the room’s structure! I am 100% happy with them, and I don’t please easily.

The 4-cube EKET is $50, the 4-legged stand $15, and the bag of clips $5. My EKET assembly provides 459 linear feet of LP storage for exactly $500 (Oregon has no sales tax!), imo an excellent value. Some of the other Ikea shelving units provide even more linear footage per $, but they don’t have back panels, are too deep for my liking, and aren’t as structurally stiff as the EKET. Others prefer different Ikea racks---it’s all good!

I received a real nice PM from Erik in Stockholm, inquiring about the strength of the EKET cubes. He said he had bought one, and was concerned about its’ structural strength; he was worried the cube would collapse on him. A justifiable concern! I told Erik I had assembled nine of the 4-cubicle EKETs, and stacked them three high and three wide.

IKEA offers a little packet of brackets to secure one EKET to another (on their back sides), and I have done just that to each stack of three. Each stack is on its’ own optional 4" stand, which has legs fitted with adjustable feet. I made the front two feet on each pedestal a little longer than the two in the back, so as to get the stack to lean back just slightly. Positioned correctly, the top back edge of the top EKET rests against the wall, and the stack becomes very stable. Pushing on the front or side of the stack produces absolutely no movement---it feels like it’s part of the rooms’ structure!

Erik suggested I post this update, so here ’tis.

Quite right, Elizabeth. When I checked out the EKET and the Kallax at my IKEA, I saw the EKET had a back panel, the Kallax not. I pushed on the side of a 16-cube (4 X 4) Kallax, and it moved---a lot. When I assembled my EKET's, they "gave" a little when pushed (not nearly as much as the kallax), but were very structurally stiff after the back panel was slid into place. It locked the whole structure together.
Yep schubert, the Kallax is the best deal around for LP storage. Now I'm looking for an old file cabinet for my 7" 45's. I have my collection of around 750-800 in the cardboard boxes offered by Bags Unlimited, but they're not so user friendly.