@inna Tell me your speakers and I'll tell you who you are

@inna. You said: "Tell me what speakers you choose and why and I'll tell you who you are."
ESL57. Love their see-through transparency. Fire away!
My other speakers which I use in a second rig are Spendor SP2/2. Less transparent than my Quads but solid. Powered by Croft Micro 25 pre and refurbed EICO HF35 monos and Clear Day shotgun silver cables. Love the British BBC sound on this rig.

inna - " the wrong choice of speakers, which in turn indicates insufficient awareness of oneself and one’s goals"

The more I read that statement I have to laugh , there are more important issues in life that would cause introspection into one's awareness of oneself than the wrong choice of speakers. Time to lighten up

1) Vandersteen 2Ci in a semi-treated living room mostly for solo mid-high SPL listening, all kinds of music.

2) Martin Logan Aerius i in the large family room, set well far apart and guests love the room filling crisp sound. 

3) DIY back-loaded horn w/Fostex FF165K in a smaller acoustically treated upstairs room used in an analog-only system. e.g., turntable, reel2reel, cassette player, for casual late night low volume listening.

Systems 1 and 2 have separate preamp/amp but can share the same source(s) so we can play the same music downstairs in both rooms when we have lots of guests.

Hi everybody!

This could be a funny thread if some people ( it looks like inna doesn't want to do it! ) give their reading of what kind of person we are considering our speakers.

I read on this forum since a few years and I generally find people's comments infomative and interesting; hi-fi is such an interesting hobby. So I decided to jump in this Forum hoping to share some of my "very humble knowledge" and true passion. I will try to introduce myself in another thread ...

Like bdp24, I have a pair of Tympani IVa ( and also a pair of IV ) ...

( as a side note, I am very happy about Magnepan reintroducing that big layout with the 30.7 ... )