Integrated Amp for Silverline Prelude II

Hi All,

Just purchased a pair of Silverline Prelude mkII for a non-audiophile friend. I'd like some recommendations on integrated amplifiers that are a good match for these speakers. I'm open to all suggestions, but I think that she'll be less disposed to tubes (though I hear the PrimaLuna is a good match) and might want a remote (though I was thinking of a Portal Panache). Price is also a consideration. Looking for the best bang for the buck.

Thanks, Peter
Thanks all for those good suggestions. I will keep my eyes open for any of these products on the used market. I think any of these might do well, and none are too expensive.
Tubears, AA amps do sound good, but that stepped volume control on many would drive any non-audioplile nuts, it did me on the one I owned . The Easterm Electric I replaced it with was also big step up in sound.
I still use the AA Bellini pre as a phonostage.
I am very impressed with Audio Analogue amps. Superb quality and workmanship and a very musical sound. I own the Maestro Settanta Rev2 and that amp would work wonders for your Silverlines. For less money the Puccini would also be an excellent match. I simply cannot count all the amps that I have been through in my long life as an Audiophile, but the Audio Analogue has been (by far) the best. Just do a Google search and you will certainly be impressed. I no longer own Silverlines, but my AA amp makes my Ref 3a DeCappo-i's (soon to be BE's) just open up with cathedral like soundstaging with gorgeous musical tones.

My 0.0238 cents
Yes, could just as well go down in Marantz line as well.
I usually drive mine with an 8 watt a side Eastern Electric tube integrated. Works great.
If the speakers indeed are not fussy, and even if so, the Marantz PM8004. Sounds great with all the speakers I have. Have not used it with your mentioned speakers. The PM8004 is a really sweet amp.
Schubert - that would be a good price point. She would like the remote. Also thinking about a Plinius 8200, but it would probably be too pricey....
I have a pair, have yet to hear anything that they do not sound good with ! Personally I would look for a used Rega Brio, but as I said Preludes are not fussy about either amplification, interconnects or speaker cable.

That said, I would avoid AVR receivers as they won't do justice to the bass a Prelude is capable of.
A truly great speaker.
Used Krell KAV300 or KAV400 could be found within $1500. They're very easy to use and sounding great.