Integrated Feeding Integrated

Question about setting the volumes when using an integrated as a pre feeding another integrated as a power amp. Where do you set the volumes?

Do you open the second integrated all the way to max volume and regulate the volume on the pre or vice versa?

Showing 1 response by mechans

I think that, when it is possible to disconnect the amp from an integrated, you remove any attenuation, the preamp circuit normally supplies. Thus I believe that you run the second "power amp" wide open. I have heard this suggested in other similar posts. After all aren't volume controls truly attenuators of the full signal?
That said, running any amp at full power would intuitively seem like it would indeed be stressful to the amp for example just making more heat as one parameter.
Like the others have said it is probably wise to avoid using both integrated if you can't disconnect the preamp of the second amp.