Is a good Cermic Cartridge an Oxymoron?

A wonderful Metzner Starlight turntable (circa 1950s) is terrible thing to waste. Yet, its induction motor throws out so much EMF that I’m afraid it’s a two-pole and therefore a death sentence for all magnetic cartridges.
While I’m going to try some heavy MuMetal application with it, I want to prepare in the event that all the transmissions can’t be shielded. Do any good ceramics carts exist?
Thanks, Mario

Showing 2 responses by macrojack

Throughout the 1980s I used a Jeff Rowland strain gauge board and a Panasonic strain gauge cartridge. I think I paid about $300 for the board and about $35 for cartridges and maybe $20 for stylii. I still have some of each but I sold off my Rowland board a few years ago. It was quite inexpensive relative to the performance level.