Is a offer of -20 percent on an OBO ad insulting?

I made a offer 20% below the sellers asking price on a Krell last night. The seller emailed that I shouldn't waste his time with such a ridiculous offer and that he was blocking me from his email list. Was I out of line?

Showing 2 responses by motoman

Thanks for the conformation folks. I must say my ears were burning after I received that response and that I wouldn't what to deal with that seller. Also, I am ready to buy and would like to try a Krell.
Still shopping, Jim
Again, thanks for all the interesting discussion!
BTW, my offer was worded "I'm interested in your amp, would you consider $XXXX and splitting the shipping?"
I don't have access to the Blue Book prices but his asking price, compared to the new price, did seem low. I know from personal experience, if I'm selling something that I've purchased used, I'm willing and able to sell at a much lower price, of course I didn't know if he was the first or third owner. Most everyone expects and has tolerable amount of loss when reselling an item. It's only through friendly negotiation that a good deal for both buyer and seller may be struck.
FYI, I've just sold a Cinepro 3K6SE ($7000+) for $2499 and I paid the 2nd Day Air, PayPal fees, & auction fees. I guess I'm just easy!
Still looking, Jim