is a step up/down electric transformer bad ?

a year ago i bought a Luxman 590 AII on audiogon that was made in Japan and that is running through a Kashimura TI-19 transformer (1500W) and i was wondering if it was affecting the sound.
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Should not cause a huge amount of difference as long as it's providing 100VAC; your home AC is going through a transformer outside.

I use a Japanese native (100V 50Hz) Sony TA4650 VFET amp all day on 115V 60Hz and never once had a problem (I replaced the diodes and check bias often).

Owned it since 1988, and it reigns as my best sounding SS amp; bar none.
The rule of thumb is that the transformer be rated for double the maximum that you are going to ask of it. If you go above that, the transformer will add distortion to the AC line and the results are both audible and measurable! and not good.
I use isolation or center-tapped (balanced), step-down transformers on almost all my gear, all rated for 115V, including sources and 2 class A monoblocks. The exception being a dedicated, class AB, bass amp. The current swings for the latter 4X400W amp would be tough, but not impossible, to keep up with but since everything else was isolated, it wasn't necessary. Even had a regulated (ferroresonant) iso tranny for the plasma TV for a while but it was too noisy.

The only sonic difference, as compared to wall outlet, should be less noise. If there is a change in the "character" of the sound, something might be wrong either way.
Kashimura TI-19 Transformer is okay.But it is made in China.Nissyo and Sanyo Transformers are made in Japan.Only works 115V to 100v.If you want to change your Luxman L590 to North American 115V.Send me a email.
thanks all for responding. i just got upset because i talked to a luxman dealer and he told me i made a big mistake buying it like this with a transformer. so far i have been really happy with the amp. didn't detect any weird noise but it is always hard to know without comparing. the dealer told me that if i want to modify it to US standard it will cost a huge amount...honestly i may have to move in Europe so i would have to mod it again. if the is a better transformer i can maybe consider it. this one is the one they sell at Audiocube.
When you say "if you go above that, the transformer will ad distortion to the AC line and the results are both audible and measurable! and not good"...

Do you mean if your device draws 120W max vs your 200W transformer? Or if your device draws only 100W vs your 1500W transformer?

I admit to not having followed you through the forest...

If the latter, can you explain why that would be the case?
T_bone, your first example is what I was talking about, not the latter. 100W on a 1500W transformer is no worries.

The formula for calculating the distortion at the output of the transformer is E = I x Z (if this seems similar to Ohm's law to you it should).

E is the voltage of the distortion component
I is the current being drawn from the transformer
Z is the impedance of the winding of the transformer.

Bigger transformers with greater wattage have a lower Z. So you can draw more current before the distortion voltage becomes significant.

By the time you exceed 50% of the capacity of the transformer, the distortion component will have risen to an unacceptable level. It is the 5th harmonic (300 Hz in the case of a 60Hz fundamental like we have here in the US) that is the most deleterious to electronics. It will make power transformers and power rectifiers noisy, making for degraded sound quality.