Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?

The RMAF begins on Friday. Will anyone attend?
I spent yesterday there and agree with imgoodwithtools,   "Best sound by a decent margin was the Nagra suite. All Nagra electronics driving a pair of Wilson Alexia 2s".  Owner did a good job of setup and room treatment to allow for a nice soundstage for many.  Also the music choice was very interesting, lots of live shows on tape. 
Kudos also to PS Audio for making the Focal 3's sound their best.  Bad choice for a room, on the first floor lots of traffic and very noisey.
although I only spent a few minutes in your room, I found it to be one of the better sounding rooms at the show. My favorite was the Nagra room although I could never afford that equipment. The reason I only spent a few minutes in each room was because they were all very warm and my wife and I were dripping with sweat
Favorite rooms (by speaker):

Avantgarde UnoXD- Very natural sounding
Tannoy Kingdom Royal- Very dynamic
Magico (Nordost room)- Hi rez sound
Piega Master Line Source- Amazing transparency
Wilson (Nagra room)- Nice, but a bit boring

Conclusion: You get what you pay for.

Great sound for the money: Paradigm and ELAC floorstanders