Is ebay feedback worth anything on Audiogon?

I guess I'm curious as to the value of stating "check my feedback on ebay" when someone has little or no audiogon feedback history. While I may be cautious of new sellers here (it doesn't mean I won't buy from them, I do and we were all new once), sending me to ebay for feedback usually turns me away from the ad. I don't buy or sell on ebay because it's such a scammers paradise. Does ebay feedback matter?
Another thing while I'm up at 4am, how hard is it to put the "New Retail" price in the ad? Items that are 4-5 years old I understand, memory fades, but something bought within the last year or within the last month? If I have to do the seller's reseach in this regard, I skip the ad. All of those boxes are there to fill out to help sellers. The more information, the better.
It's 5:30 now and I guess I'll get some coffee. Good morning everybody.

Showing 1 response by audiodoc

July 2, 2005
Yes, It is worth something but no nearly as much as Audiogon. More importantly the Audiogon site is worth a lot more than ebay to buyers (but is likely not as profitable to the sites owners as Ebay is.)

On ebay there are no standardized condition listing or standard list of what is included in sale (box, manual remote, etc etc.)It is very much a "caveat emptor" kind of place despite what ebay would have you believe.

Many of the ebay sellers are in a home business trying to make a profit on items that they do not own personally but bought and are trying to resell. Audiogoners, in contrast are mostly trying to sell used items they bought for personal use and sell to recoup some of their investment.
Questions get answered much more promptly on Audiogon and shipping is not inflated as it is on ebay which, I suspect, is to recoup ebay fees. Audiogoners know a lot more about the equipment they are selling than ebayers do. Ebayers may have never actually used the equipment they are selling.

Celebrate your independence this Independence Day. Don't use ebay when you can use Audiogon.