Is It Possible?


Is it possible for a pair of Quad63 sounds better than a pair of Focal Utopia Scala I?  I am was using the Scala in my system and was very happy with the overall result, except for an occasionally bright sound on certain recordings.  I recently bought a pair of non-working Quad63 at a garage sale for $250, had them serviced for about $650.  I was going to use the quad in my office for background music, but I decided to have a A/B test against my beloved Scala.  I almost fell of my chair when heard what came out of the Quad. The vocals and the instruments just came alive, especially the female's voice.  The only advantage I gave to the Scala was the soundstage, which is wider and a little deeper than the Quad.  How can this be?  What am I doing wrong with the Scala?  How can a pair of $900 speakers sounds much better, in my opinion, than a pair of speakers that cost me almost $25,000?


Showing 6 responses by michaelgreenaudio

"Welcome to modern high end audio.
But yet every year speakers make huge leaps and gains rendering the previous model hopelessly obsolete"

I wasn’t sure if you were making a joke or not so don’t take this wrong if you were.

The HEA market is a very small part of the playback hobby. Long after the over priced, over built era is long gone products like the Quad will be admired for thousands, maybe tens of thousands. The 57 and 63 models, set up well, can hold someone’s attention for hours and days of constant play. Most "modern" speakers haven’t a prayer in doing this before the owners start making "bad recording" excuses.

There are far more listeners who have moved back to proven designs then there are modern purchases.

Michael Green


I am your newest fan. Brilliantly stated! I totally agree!

Also I wish to say "hats off to the old schoolers"! There have been advances in a few areas of HEA, but there has also been many holes created with some of the newer designed drivers. I'm being very generous when saying advances in HEA.

Michael Green

I love that man, Ray! One of the coolest guys I have ever worked with or known. Ray was the original RoomTune Rep. I flew back from meeting with TAS for the first time, and when I got home I had orders for over 100 stores. Ray, out of the blue, put on the first RoomTune dealers. I didn't even have a factory yet. I had no idea how to start a production run. I can still remember that thick fedex envelope full of computer print out order forms. I looked at my friends and said "looks like I won't be doing any recordings for a while". What a classy Classy MAN!

Hi inna

The last time I was playing with the 57's was in one of our Tunable Rooms that a good friend of mine has, about 5 years ago. I didn't have the Chameleons there, but did have a sweet pair of the Rev 60's. The 60's ate the Quads for lunch and then some. But set the Revs aside I enjoyed the Quads as I always have.

The Scala doesn't hit my taste buds right. Body is something very important to me and the Focal fell short. I've always wanted to like Focal but they leave me empty and fatigued. The Quads on the other hand have all kinds of tweaking potential. But compared to your Chameleons you would get bored quickly I think. The 57s and 63s are classics and a ton of fun but they have their own thing going on no matter what someone does and it's either going to hit you right or can leave you wanting more.

Always makes me happy to hear you enjoying the Chameleons.

Michael Green

Sorry Inna, I should have paid more attention. Not sure why I thought you had Chameleons. This last few years a lot of MGA speaker owners have been checking in with me, so I'm getting use to who is who, slowly :)