Is my room going to suck

I am looking for any advise for the room I am being banished to. Planning on doing this within the next couple of weekends. Currently I have an not ideal setup as I have a 7 month old that goes to bed at 7:00 and and our living room is open to the stairway and her room is right at the top. The other room is descent at around 16x22 but speakers and equipment would be in front of the fireplace so wife says no go. 
My best option is to move into the basement and rig it out best I can. Room is 15Lx8.5Wx10H with concrete floor and side walls. Just looking for suggestions on best way to wrangle the best sound out of here as possible. 

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

Good measurements for the basement all uneven numbers, and the big plus is a concrete floor which you should spike into with the speakers or speaker stands.

Never ever spike into suspended floors, because the floor then acts as a sound board accentuating and muddying the bass, these types of floors need to be decoupled from stand/speakers.

Cheers George