Is the ''entry level'' DAC becoming extinct ?

The recent crop of Blu-ray players by Oppo and Cambridge Audio (752BD) as well as CD players are now giving access to their internal DACS, providing surprisingly good quality sound.

Just wondering how this will impact on the sale of the DacMagics and r-dacs types out there ?

I basically see it as head-on competition, and a win for the new access-in-the-box machines.

Showing 4 responses by mitch4t

Entry level preamps could be in trouble too. Last weekend I heard an Oppo 105 connected directly to an amp, it was outstanding.
The introduction of the new Audio Research CD9 cd player that includes a high-end dac with access to use other digital sources will probably start a trend for higher end dacs to be included on the majority of high end cd players and other digital sources.

The description of the CD9 can be found on The ARCDB page in the link below.
Ouch! Ghasley, I think I need to get out more. I had no idea that others were doing this. Thanks for the heads-up. Questionable indeed. Dac 8, Reference Dac & CD9 might canibalize each other.
Ghasley, no offense taken. I just had to chuckle at myself at how I have been so cloistered with Audio Research gear. I love their preamps and cd players and I had dared not look at any other mfg for years. I love their sound and I have not bothered to look elsewhere. I would probably have their amps too if I were into tube amps...but solid state amps are the only way to go for me.