Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?

I take great care in my record collection.
1. I have a manual record vacuum cleaning machine. I also use an enzyme cleaner on a few really dirty ones.
2. I replace all paper sleeves with plastic ones.
3. I use groove glide on only the records in really bad shape. Around 1 percent.
4. I use a record jacket to protect the covers.
5. I meticulously keep the stylus clean.
6. Use a brush everytime I play a record.
  My question being is; will the Last system actually improve the sonics even after all the care I put in to my collection?
How much time is involved treating a record? How much per record does it cost if I buy the larger treatment kits? Id like to hear your experiences with this product. I have close to 3000 records. My analogy is like a great movie that I have never seen. Wow you just now saw that? Will I have an aha moment using the Last system like oh wow, I should have seen that movie years ago. Lol

Showing 2 responses by rshak

Perhaps it was a case of user error . . . 

but many, many years ago I tried the stuff on quite a few records and found, after time, that they sounded worse (clicks, pops, etc. that were *not* present when the records were treated).

I've stayed away from that stuff and for years have relied on my Loricraft and proven cleaning fluids.  Very happy with that arrangement.
bdp24 - When I used Last, I first cleaned the records on a Nitty Gritty 2.5i.  If I recall correctly, I also used a fluid named "First" which was a "pre-cleaner" and, I think, was made by the folks who made Last.

On Last-treated records, the surface noise I heard developed only some months later.  

Who know the reason(s)? Maybe I got a bad batch?  I own several thousand LPs and haven't run into this problem before or since.  In any case, I now steer clear of Last.