is the McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe the same as DNA 125?

Are these the same amps (excepting the wattage difference)? I can get both used for about the same price. Is there a prefferance for either? I will be using Paradigm Studio 60 v.2 speakers.

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I listened to the Dead's four disc set closing of Fillmore East this weekend. listened to it twice. . . .followed by Little Feat's Waiting for Columbus.

The Dead set sounded fantastic given the age of the recording, but I am not entirely sold on silver cables.

I am loving my DNA 1 dlx, as it does provide improved dynamics, more and better bass, and better soundstaging, but it does tend to be harsh at times. I am not sure if harsh cymbals, for example, are due to the recording, the cabling, or the amp. . . . .but then that's is what this pursuit is about, huh?