Is the word 'Integrated' that hard to spell?

When I sell an item here, or write anything for that matter, there are no typos. It's as if my browser detects typos so I can fix them. Oh wait, all browsers have spelling error detection for at least 5 years (a simple setting toggle).

There's an advert here now for an 'Integtrated.' And often others for 'intergrateds.' And speakers with good low 'base.' The latter is a grammar error, and even lazier. On an audio site, do we not know how bass is spelled? Really?

Of course, upon moving to NC last year, I discovered that 'chair' is actually two syllables.

Go ahead, flame away. Make sure to spell check first so it's legible.


Showing 2 responses by almarg

Speaking of spell checkers, here and elsewhere I’ve been seeing a rather striking number of instances in which the word "defiantly" is substituted for "definitely." Hard to believe so many people would make that error intentionally, which leads me to wonder if it may be the result of a spell check auto-correction that isn’t noticed by those who don’t bother to proofread their posts.

And perhaps over-reliance on spell checkers is a contributing factor to many of the incorrect word substitutions that are commonly seen. My perception being that substitution of "advise" for "advice" is on a percentage basis probably the most frequent example.

-- Al

Kijanki, thanks for the best laugh of the day :-)

I put the quoted paragraph through the spelling and grammar checker of the version of Microsoft Word that is provided in Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010.  Out of the 231 words in the paragraph, most of which are wrong, the spelling checker by itself flagged all of 13 words as being incorrect, and the spelling and grammar checker together flagged all of 30 words as being incorrect.

And it scored the paragraph as being exceptionally easy to read, with a reading ease score of 100.0 and a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 2.3!


Best regards,
-- Al